part 19

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as we were in the middle of our kiss i felt a sharp pain in my stomach. i pulled away and noticed that jay had stabbed me.
"next time don't talk back to me bruh." he said. all i saw was blood.
"jay...i...i'm pregnant." i said, whining in pain and laying on the floor.
"i know stupid ass that's why i stabbed you there. don't ever play wit me ever again." he said, walking upstairs. i tried screaming for help but no one came. i was alone, i started to see black and i blacked out.
i opened my eyes and i was sweating and breathing hard. i couldn't talk. mosey got up quickly and looked worried, touching me.
"baby you okay? what happened? did someone hurt you? what's wrong? are you okay? babygirl speak!" he said, still touching my body. i tried talking but i couldn't.
"jay." was all i could say.
"jay!? he hurt you? when did he come in here!? what did he do." he said, still worrying. he calmed down noticing that if he continued to be scared it would make me more scared.
"baby use your voice please what happened." he said, pulling me into a hug and rocking us back and forth on the bed.
"he-he-h..he stabbed me- pregnant- black-knife-crying." was all i said before i started balling my eyes out. he held me in TIGHT, that mf can hug. he stopped rocking back and forth and the tight hug loosened as he pulled back.
"ima kill him." mosey said. he got off the bed and i was shaking my head. he walked out the door and i got up quickly and followed him. he bursted into jays room waking him up from his peaceful sleep.
"OH SO YOU GUN HURT MY BABY HUH?" mosey said, jay looking confused and getting up. he was only wearing sweat pants, no shirt and his hair was up.
"what? what happened to you are you okay?" he asked, realizing i was sweating and looked scared.
"MAN DONT FUCKIN LOOK AT HER LOOK AT ME!" mosey said and jay looked at him.
"she said you stabbed her and she's preg- wait." he looked at me.
"you pregnant?" he asked me. jay looked so confused at this point. i finally spoke.
" was a dream. i-i kissed jay in it and during the kiss he stabbed me in my stomach and told me not to talk back to him..i guess i was pregnant and i tried screaming for you but you never came." i said, looking at him. he looked disappointed and sad and shocked all at once.
"why would you have a dream about that?" he asked.
i shrugged, looking down.
"do you still have feelings for JD?" he asked, looking at me and i was playing with my fingers.
"hello? y/n answer me." he said and i started playing with my ring mosey gave me.
"no. yes? i don't know. i feel like wether i'm dating you or dating you i'm still going to have feelings for the other person..."i said, looking up at mosey. they both went silent.
"so what does this mean?" he finally spoke.
"it means she can't date any of us...she's a hoe." jay said.
"JD shut up you don't know what your talkin bout." mosey said, turning around getting into jays face.
"yes i do. so y'all telling me you haven't fucked yet?" he said. we both went silent.
"my point exactly. damn i thought shawty was different but she a thooter ion fuck wit." he said shaking his head pushing mosey out of the way and walking towards the door, i stopped him.
"i'm not a fucking thooter. i'm not like any of those girls you guys link up with and fuck, give them money then leave! it's not my fault i feel forced to date one of you so that the other doesn't get hurt. so don't ever, EVER call me that dumbass shit ever again jay, you know better. you know ME better then that and i haven't shown myself as a hoe or a thooter so that's sum made up shit you pulled outta yo dick because your mad at me for nothing. so shut the fuck up and go back to sleep...i leave for seattle tomorrow." i said , taking a breathe. he looked shocked and so did mosey. neek came into the room because his room is next to jays and he heard the yelling.
"y'all good?" he said, rubbing his eyes and putting both of his arms around my neck.
"i told them about seattle." i said, neek pulled away and i turned around to look at him.
"i thought u weren't going anymore and you got your money back for the ticket?" he said.
"nah. i'm leaving. ion ever wanna come back either." i said and walked out the door.
the next day i woke up at 9am because my plane left at 12. i took a shower and got ready for the day. all my stuff was already packed. i walked downstairs and saw everyone down there. neek walked up to me and hugged me. i smiled. kk also walked over to me and hugged me.
"so what? your leaving?" sauve asked me. i sighed.
"thanks neek you told everyone?" i asked him. he shook his head.
"nah nah, they did." he pointed to mosey and jay.
"we owe you an apology." mosey said. i looked confused.
"we pressured you into something you didn't want... a relationship." jay said. i almost started crying, i don't know why.
"i-um-." i froze.
"yo y/n you okay?" kk asked me. i couldn't talk, i jus kept staring at jay. i started crying and breathing heavy. i was having a panic attack
"YO Y/N SPEAK"-royce
everyone crowded around me which mad my panic attack worse. jay pushed everyone out of the way and grabbed my hands. i tried pulling away but he wouldn't let me go. i was crying.
"hey hey hey look at me. look at me okay right at me. count with me." he said, i looked at him, still crying
"four" i said, gulping and taking a breathe
i started to calm down and i stopped crying.
"now touch something." i couldn't move still. i touch his jacket.
"good baby good okay now what do you smell?" he asked me.
"pan-pancakes." i said.
"okay now what do you taste."
"uh-l-lean." the boys laughed. i smiled.
"breathe baby your doing good." i took a couple deep breathes and i was fine.
"are you okay now?" he asked me. i hugged him.
" did you know how to calm her down?" neek asked, holding a cup of water then handing it to me.
"i don't know man...i saw her starting to worrying and i did everything i could. i don't know. but y/n you can't leave for seattle, not if you having panic attacks like that." he said, sitting down on the chair next to us and pulling me into his lap. i wrapped my arms around his neck.
"i have too. i'm already packed and shit."
"lemme go wit you then." he said, i looked at him.
"really?" i said.
"yeah for sure, i could go out there and see some people i haven't seen in a hot minute...i'd he down." he said. i hugged him.
"thank you."
"no no no." mosey said, we both looked up at him.
"this is fucking bullshit. if this how it always gon be then you can't stay here no more." mosey said. jay pulled me off him and stood up.
"what u mean she can't stay here anymore? what did she do?" jay asked, getting mad.
"every time someone saves her or sum shit she likes them all of a sudden. i'm getting so fed up with this shit bruh!" he said, throwing his hands up.
"you need to stop being a hoe, get out my house" he said pointing to the door
"mosey she ain't going no where-"-jay
"AND YOUR BRAIN WASHED BY HER! GROW UP JAY SHE DONT WANT YOU!" he said, pushing jay back. he went silent, thinking about what mosey had said.
"he's lying."-y/n
"you should leave...."-jay
"jay your going to believe him?"-y/n
"yeah because it's true...get out." jay said raising his voice. i ran upstairs, grabbed all my stuff and ran to the front door till i felt someone tug my arm.
"i'm going with you." i turned around and saw neek. i smiled and we both left together to seattle

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