part 13

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i was drinking henney at our party because i wasn't really feeling it. i felt stupid as fuck for what i said to y/n. i- i loved her. nah nah fuck that. i was in love with her. i started tearing up but i shook it off. i grabbed my cup and walked outside and sat by the pool. there was lowk a lot of people out there but i didn't talk to anyone. i was on my phone when i felt arms around my shoulders.
"hey papi." i heard someone say. i turned around and saw a blonde girl with blue eyes and she was in a bathing suit. i took her hands off me.
"ugh what the fuck is wrong with you? i want dick mosey!" she said, sitting down next to me and shaking my arm.
"no i'm taken my bad." i said and pulled my arm away. she laughed.
"your not taken don't even fucking lie! let's go in the pool!" she said, getting up.
"i'm taken by y/n get off me!" i said, standing up. she gripped on my shirt.
"come onnn moseyyyy." she said. she got closer to my face. she was about to kiss me when someone pushed her into the pool. 
"don't touch my man!" i was in shock and looked at the girl that pushed her into the pool. i was y/n.
"what are you doing here..? i thought you were out with jay?" i asked her, she pulled me away from the pool.
"we came back early. are you okay? did she hurt you? why didn't you want to be with her?" she asked me. i sighed and looked down. then i looked into her eyes.
"because i'm still stuck on you okay? i didn't fuck another female. i lied." she had a confused look on her face.
"why did you li-"
"because i'm in love with you!" i blurted out. all of a sudden neek came running over to us.
"ima beat the fuck out of jd and y/n so will you." he said
"what why ? what did he do??" she asked him.
"i saw him making out with another girl. i was going to go talk to him but he went upstairs with her. he's up there right now." neek said. i looked at y/n. she didn't say anything. she looked at the floor and i looked at her hands and she put them into a fist.
"which room?" she asked.
"prolly his." neek said. y/n walked past neek and into the crowded house.
"Y/N WAIT!" i said and ran into the house. i saw her walking upstairs and i ran over to her.
"y/n hold on!" i said as i walk walking behind her. she finally made it to jays room and she kicked his door down. i was in shock.
"oh so your cheating on me?" she said and she pulled jay off of the girl.
"get the fuck out of here you thot!" the girl said.
"bitch ima rock yo fucking world. repeat the fucking sentence stupid bitch. put yo fucking clothes on and get the fuck outta JDs room!" she said. i was holding her back. the girl laughed. she was in her underwear and bra and jay was only in his underwear.
"bitch make me stupid whore." y/n got mad. she managed to get out of my grip and dragged the girl off the bed by her hair. y/n was on top of the girl socking the shit out of her. jay got off the bed and tried pulling y/n off the girl. all the boy came into the room and saw what was going on. i pushed jay off
i pulled y/n off the girl and held her in my arms and whispered in her ear.
"shhhh hey hey it's okay. it's okay look at me." i said to her. she looked at me.
"it's okay." she calmed down and hugged me. the other girl ran out of the room. i felt y/n crying into my shirt and hugged her tighter.
"yo get off my girl!" jay yelled, trying to get y/n out of my arms. i held her and kinda moved away from him.
"she isn't yours! you cheated on her! and look, she's crying because of your fucking dumbass! she doesn't want to be with you jd! look around the fucking room." jd looked and saw all the boys standing behind him. royce closed the door.
"we all wanna beat your fucking ass right now but we aren't because it would hurt her more." jay just stood there. looking at y/n crying in my chest.
"i'm-im sorry okay?" he said.
"sorrys not gonna fucking cut it. you hurt my sister. get out." neek said.
"but i-"
"GET THE FUCK OUT JD!" kk yelled. he had tears in his eyes and ran out of the room.
"yo let's make everyone leave." sauve said and all of them walked out of the room. y/n was still crying. i kinda pulled away, still hugging her so that i could see her face. she looked up at me and i removed her hair from her face. she looked at my lips and i looked at hers. she leaned in and put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me. i kissed her back. we kissed for a little but i didn't want it to go on for too long so i pulled away.
"you can sleep in my room with me." i said. she smiled
"okay." she smiled and we hugged again.

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