part 14

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Y/N pov
i woke up and saw that mosey was gone. i sat up, rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone and saw mosey had texted me.

my hot ass manz🤤🤤💍
hey, i went to the store to
grab sum for you but it's a
surprise. by the way ur so
fucking sexy when you sleep.

wife 🖤💍.
aww ur so cute. and when did
you change your contact name to
'my hot ass manz🤤🤤💍'

my hot ass manz🤤🤤💍
when u was asleep. anyways
i'll be back soon.

okay baby i'll see you later and ima
change ur contact name😂😂

noooo! what u change it


i like that better

i laughed at his response and went into his bathroom did my hygiene and took a shower. i threw on one of moseys hoodies and put on some black leggings. i put my hair into a high ponytail and did my edges. i walked downstairs and saw neek, sauve, kk and jd.
"morning." i said, trying to avoid looking at jay.
"hey." kk said, walking over to me. he hugged me. i hugged him back.
"what was that for?" i asked him.
"what i cant hug my sister?" he asked. i laughed and hugged him again. then he walked back to the table where the boys were.
"there's no fucking food in this god damn house." i said.
"then go get some." neek said.
"i'll postmates." i said and postmated mc donald's.
i walked over the the table and sat down and scrolled through ig. i felt jay sit down next to me. i looked up at him. kk neek and sauve both left and went upstairs. i coughed.
"what?" i said.
"oh what i can't stare at my girl?" he asked, putting his hand on my knee.
"what do you-"
"oh yeah, where were you last night? i woke up in the middle of the night and my head was pounding like a mother fucker. i guess i got hella drunk last night and i don't remember anything. but you weren't in my bed and i was sad." he said. i went silent.
"why are you wearing moseys hoodie?" he asked me, looking at it. i removed his hand from me and stood up and coughed.
"yeah um, you know what i-psh- i should um.. go to the store. yeah i need bread." i said, grabbing my keys from the key rack.
"what?" he said getting up.
"bread? what for-"
"bye jay!" i closed the door and walked to neeks car and got in. i sighed and layed my head on the wheel. i started the car and drove. i drove to my favorite spot. it's were me and jay would go sometimes. it was on top of a hill that viewed over all of LA. i was playing music and jamming out until mosey called me.


where did you go, i have your surprise-mosey

shit i forgot! i'll drive home rn.

no no it's okay where are you?-mosey

the hill me and jay would go too

oh that's perfect! i'll be right there-mosey
he hung up.
i saw his car pull up next to mine. i turned my car off and got out. he got out too. he picked me up and kissed me.
"okay so. you know i've always wanted to date you. and jay hurt you. and i'm sorry about that. but we are toooo young to get married so..." he pulled out a black box and opened it. it was a promise ring. i started crying.
"MOSEY!" i yelled. he took it out of the box and put it on my right hand ring finger. he grabbed both of my hands and looked me in my eyes.
"i promise. i promise to love you till we die. i promise that your going up with me. i promise to be loyal. i promise to never leave you behind. your mine." he said. i was crying harder. i kissed him.
"lathan moses echols. i'm in love with you." i said.
"i'm in love with you too." he said and we kissed. i pulled his arm and we sat on the hood of the car and look upon LA together.

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