part 16

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Y/N pov
after fashion week was done, me, mosey and neek got onto a plane and waited for take off. i had my headphones in and i was window seat, mosey in the middle and neek at the edge. he was asleep. mosey had his right hand on my thigh and with his right hand he was scrolling through instagram. i was on my phone when i suddenly got a text from JD.

can we please talk



there's rlly nothing to talk abt. u fucked up and i'm happy now

i wrote a song for you.


i wrote it when we started dating
i want u to listen to it.



i clicked on the file and started listening to it. he was singing in it. it hurt my heart. knowing that i was pushing him away from me. i was listening to the lyrics carefully. 'My big back woods bro the ocean.' i smiled. 'wassup lul baby good morning' jay would always call me lul baby. i sighed. 'my big back woods bro the ocean. all these bad bitches but i'm stuck on you...' i took out my headphones and turned the music off. mosey looked at me.
"you okay baby?" he asked me, rubbing my thigh.
"huh? what? yeah i'm fine. i just need to..i just want to go home." i said, looking down. he kissed my forehead.
"soon." he said and looked back down at his phone.
"yo neek." i said, leaning over mosey and slapping his face.
"owwwww what thot!" he said.
"switch spots with mosey." i said. they both looked at me confused.
"do it whores." i said. mosey shrugged and they moved places. mosey put his headphones in and closed his eyes.
"listen to this." i gave him my headphones and he put them in his ears and i played the song. his eyes went wide. when the song was over he took out my headphones and looked at me.
"wow." he said.
"yeah i know." i said sighing and leaning back.
"whatcu gonna do." he said, looking at me.
"i'm not gonna text him. i need to talk to him neek."
we got home at 10pm. everyone was out at a party and wouldn't be home till later. neek dropped all his stuff off at the house and left for the party too so it was just me and mosey. we went up to his room and i started putting stuff away. mosey sat at the edge of the bed looking at me.
"oh what so your not going to help?" i asked him.
"can you help me?" he asked me.
"with what baby?" i asked him. he pointed to his pants. he smirked. i walked over to him and stood between his legs. he started rubbing my butt. i looked at his lips and kissed them slowly. he moved his hand to my boobs and gripped them,then moved his hand to my pussy and rubbed.
"mosey- we cant." i said, pulling away.
"why not?" he asked me, as he went to the headboard of the bed and layed against it and i was still standing.
"what if- i cant- i don't know.." i said, shaking me head. he shook his head.
"come here now." he said demanding me. i crawled on the bed and sat in his lap. he put his hand around my neck and whispered in my ear.
"ima beat that pussy up..cause it's mine." he said.
i smiled and we made out. we then got undressed and he pulled out a condom. i looked at his naked body and he looked at mine.
"your so fucking fine baby mamma." he said and rubbed my pussy, then sticking two fingers into it.
"shit-" i said and moaned.
he then put his dick inside me and i felt pleasure. after like two rounds we cuddle eachother.
"i love you." he said.
" i love you more baby boy." i said and we fell asleep.

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