Chapter One: Pink Chevy

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The bus was packed, sweat form upon my skin as my stomach threatened to release my breakfast of potato chips and pineapple soda. It's barely been five hours since I've sat on the moving vehicle of rock bottom; the man beside me was already smelling like a gas station bathroom, and I started to have doubts about leaving home- but it would be impossible for me to go back.

I saw the welcome sign for Louisiana twenty miles back, the fields of grass started to form into swamps, I even spotted a few flamingos and alligators on the side of the road. I haven't crossed the state line since I were twelve, nor have I seen the people that were going to greet me at the bus stop. They were my only family; my aunt and two cousins, the only people who opened their arms to me after momma's death.

It wasn't that long ago, three weeks to be exact, when mom died. I can still smell the blood seeping through the hard wood, see her face that was stuck in agony, the knife poking out her back and her hands outstretched to the front door as her finally actions before dying were to escape. I keep thinking; what if I didn't work overtime? What if I stayed home like she asked? I would of saved her or shared the same fate, in other words, I would still have her and wouldn't be motivated to move all the way to New Orleans.

The city was a gold mine for our family. My five greats grandmother made a name for herself- the voodoo queen of the south. However, to my mother, our ancestors were evil... our entire bloodline was evil. I never understood her thoughts, the more I grew up, the more I became confused about my heritage. I knew about my background; the fact I have power, the way I can use them, and the fact I'm considered dangerous by regular human beings- which forced my mother to restrict our power usage outside the house. Her death proved that time didn't change and no matter how normal we appear, they still hate us.

"Final stop, Union Passenger Terminal." The driver mumbled through the intercom, I could barely comprehend the words until I saw the small old square building and the throng of people standing outside; either waiting to get on the bus for it to turn back around to North Carolina, or pick up whoever's coming off.

My breath hitches when spotting her, she was shorter than I remembered, even more beautiful, hair now cut short and smile brighter. Aunt May stood in the crowd like a star, with her bright clothing and large sunglasses, she was the exact version as my mother described her; outgoing, adventurous, sassy, with a hint of attitude- I could spot that in the way she stood there.

I was one of the first to dash off the bus, I needed to get out of that tin can and into my aunt's arms, then I recalled she doesn't do hugs so I calmed myself and slowly walked up to her with a weary smile and dull eyes. "Aunt May."

She gleamed brighter while releasing a sigh of relief. "Jupiter, god how you grown. Where's your pig tails?"

Out of instinct, I touched my long dreads that I've been growing out since I were thirteen, they were down my back now and I had to keep them in a braided ponytail to keep them out of my way. "You cut your hair." I stated the obvious. Instead of her braided extensions, Aunt May decided to chop it all off and keep it really short; she looks younger with the new hair do.

Aunt May finally, after all these years, pushed herself to clasp my arms and pull me into a once in the lifetime opportunity hug. It was awkward at first as we both didn't know what to do nor how to react, but after a second or two, we got into the groove of sharing normal feelings. I wanted to cry, but I pushed it down being that shedding too many feelings will push her away. "I know it's been tough, believe me, I had some trouble after what happened. But I assure you being here with us will keep you safe, even if I have to sacrifice my own life."

Perhaps I did shed a tear or two, I quickly wiped them away when we pulled apart. I grabbed my suitcase that was already in the row of bags thrown out of the bus. "So, what's new?"

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