Chapter Twenty-One: Drowning in Peace, Chocking on Happiness

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It was dusk by time I stepped outside, a small cooler full of sandwiches, chips, and baked cookies dangling from my hands. I was tired, all night I kept thinking about Athena and Aunt May, how I didn't exactly know them. I saw the outer layer of their relationship, like any other mother and daughter relationship, they were best friends, spoke their minds and, yeah, Aunt May can be strict but only for their own good. However, last night I finally realized the truth, they did not have a healthy relationship and her strictness was only for her own benefit.

"You okay? You look tired." Lucas pointed out my lack of rest, I initially only gained three hours of shut out. He grabbed the cooler from my hand and kissed the corner of my mouth while rubbing my back- sending static throughout my body that shaken me awake.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well, kinda."


"It's nothing, personal family issues that I don't want to dampen the mood with. We should go, the early eagle catches the cob." I chirped before sliding into the leather passenger seat, immediately getting settled and acknowledging the chill r&b playing. "Oh, you're a fan of Jacob Banks?"

Lucas sighed softly, his cheeks turned flushed as I caught him enduring his guilty pleasures. "A little, I'm sampling some of his music right now. I'm trying to update my playlist."

"He's good. You should take a listen to Daniel Caesar, he's one of my favorites."


The trip wasn't long, the comforting silence of listing to slow R&B, watching the city turn into grass land, small homes, and rivers along each side of the road until we came upon a side road. The dirt path was smooth, a small lake glistened under the morning sun as a small cabin completed the wonderful site of nature at its finest.

"Is this where you actually live?" I asked once stepping out the car. A warm breeze brushed against my skin- greeting and welcoming me into its arms.

"Yes, brought it the first year after police academy, money well spent." Lucas pulled out a set of keys and tossed them my way over the car. "Can you get the fishing poles, they should be near the door? I'm going to get the boat ready, meet me on the pier."

I took this honor as an opportunity to see who Lucas really is. The door opened successfully after, the door creaks lightly, along with the floorboards. The cabin was small, everything in one space, his bed was made- indicating he hasn't slept in it once for the past few months, pictures hung on the wall, kitchen opened and clean, and there was a small trophy shelf beside his tv; past accomplishments and medals from the police academy. He was proud of himself, confident of his life and not once ashamed of where he came from and who he is.

I grabbed the two fishing poles leaning against a cabinet separating the door to the bedroom and walked to the sliding door in the kitchen. A small balcony hung over the water as a flight of stairs lead down to the pier where Lucas was readying the small fishing boat. I was eager and anxious, the fact I haven't been fishing since dad died reminded me of the happiness I felt when we did go to the middle of no where, even though mom and I would get eaten up by mosquitoes and I couldn't jump in the lake because of the contaminated water- but it was still worth that small family moment, something I won't be able to do again.

"Is it up and ready captain?" I teased, knowing from the look on Lucas face, he has not yet gained the expertise in managing the boat all by himself.

He chuckles to himself while continuing to untie the thick rope from the pier and tossing it into the boat. "Yup, it's all ready." Grabbing the fishing poles, Lucas helps me climb in.

I settle on the side in front of the wheel, looking out to the large lake, eyeing the river that leads a long path to the ocean. It was beautiful, the way the sun peaked out from behind the tall trees, brown pelicans standing in the water, sprouting branches hanging low along the edges, and the peaceful silence. The boat moved slow towards the middle of the lake, a little bit further away from the cabin- still holding a view of it but not close enough to swim to easily.  "Your brother loved fishing?"

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