Chapter Fifteen: Mystery of Magic

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Francis paced back and forth in his kitchen, cigarette dangling in between his lips as he struggled to flick on the lighter. He was freaking during the entire ride back to New Orleans, speaking in French and Portuguese, cursing a hole in the ozone layer, and trying to smoke but could never figure out the lighter. "Fuck!"

"Keep your voice down." I hissed as my eyes darted towards the walkway. We were over the book shop, a one bedroom apartment that did seem like Francis style but he decorated it well- especially his bed. Lucas was surrounded by pillows covered in red and gold silk, sheets wrapped around his partially naked form and his stomach- where his wound use to be, was red and raw. He was asleep, but Francis loud voice was making him wince.

Francis finally gave up on getting a smoke, he stuffed the cigarette back into the container and lighter on the table. "When- Uh, when did you get your magic back?"

"Technically." I slumped into the chair. "It's still dormant. It only happened once, Lucas and I went to North Carolina and we were attacked by a demon, I set the possessed person's insides of fire. Then this. I guess it only comes up during life or death situations, isn't that possible?"

He bites down on his middle finger before nodding his head yes. "Sometimes, usually it happens when someone doesn't grow around others like them. Their powers suddenly turned on during a serious situation. You killed a demon? I haven't seen that since the ending of the Great Depression." Finally giving in, he placed the cigarette back into his mouth and snapped his finger to light it. Smoke immediately filled his mouth and poured out his nose as he sighed in satisfaction.

"Francis, this must stay between us. No one else knows and I don't I'm ready for the council to badger me about it, especially not my aunt. Just promise me, okay."

He took another puff and forced himself to agree. "I promise to keep my mouth shut."

A sigh of relief past my lips as I slumped in the chair. "Thank you."

"Jupiter." A light groan bounces of the walls, causing my chest to ache and slumped body become alert. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and clean straw before walking into the bedroom. Lucas was awake, his eyes wandered around the room as he tried to swallow, and speak. "Jupiter?"

"I'm here. Have some water." I placed the straw against his dry lips, which he latched onto and took what he can hold down. "How are you feeling?"

He sighed heavily while letting his fingers glide against his stomach. "Exhausted. What happened after I called?"

"I came and helped, Francis and I had to lug your ass up here. What happened to you?" I sat on the edge of the bed, placing the bottle on the ancient nightstand.

"I got my ass kick, that's what happened." Tempting to sit up, Lucas winced and held onto his stomach. "Why do I still feel like shit?"

I fluffed his pillows beneath him. "Your body is probably settling in. You lost a lot of blood."

"Did you do your..." He wiggles his fingers while whispering. "Magic?"

I nod my head yes, "Francis saw. But that doesn't matter right now. I told you, you needed back up, but you never listen. Was it Carla?"

Lucas shook his head no and went to pick up the water but I beat him to it and brought the straw to his ups again. He took more sips than before and held a little sign of satisfaction in his eyes. "No, uh, it was a man. Another Lycan with some soaked nails."

"Soaked nails?"

"Aconite, humans call it wolf's bane, huge fucking kryptonite for Lycans. His nails were painted red, that's most likely how he managed to get the aconite into my system. Thank you, for coming. I didn't know who else to call. I don't have much friends as you saw at the bar."

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