Chapter Thirty: Breaking Bread

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By time I woke up, it was thirty past noon. The sun was at its peak over the tall trees, the lake glistened as if a million stars were dancing upon the surface, the air humid and warm, and Lucas. He was outside in the balcony looking out to the pier, daydreaming, lost in his thoughts as his brows furrowed and lips thinned. I stood at the threshold, a large shirt covering my freshly showered naked form, my eyes raked over him slowly; taking in his the sun hits his slightly tanned skin, his blonde hair held golden streaks, and dark forest green eyes turned into emeralds. "Did anyone ever tell you, you could if been a fashion model?" I spoke out, jerking him back to reality.

Tip toeing across the wood flooring, I slide into his lap, immediately being held as my fingers rake through his hair. "What were you thinking about?"

Lucas released a soft sigh, his eyes stared into mine as her fingered caressed my bare thigh. "You and your majestic voice." His voice soft and light, it made my heart flutter and stomach form butterflies.

I was singing in the shower again, it seemed like an unconscious act to sing one of my mother's favorite old school songs. I kissed the corner of my mouth before eating my head upon his shoulder. "I'm sorry you couldn't go fishing today."

His large hand rubs up and down my back slowly, the feeling of his lips pressed against my hair as his nose pressed against my dreadlocks, taking a small whiff of my scent. "It's fine, there's always next Sunday."

There was a moment of peaceful silence, the sound of water hitting rocks were in the distance, Lucas soft breathing made me relax, along with the feeling of his chest rising and falling in a steady pace. Then, a faint sound of tires rolling along the gravel dampened the mood. I already knew who arrived at such a bad time, I smelt her strawberry shampoo before she could even step out the truck. I removed myself from Lucas lap, letting him stand to see his sister-in-law.

"Your clothes are in the dryer." He voiced with a heavy sigh of annoyance.

As he went outside down the flight of stairs to only walk in the front of the cabin, I got dressed quickly and stepped onto the porch. Dakota didn't looked pissed, in fact she looked at peace; smiling lightly as she fumbled with her fingers. Yet, I can still see the pain in her eyes, she's losing herself every single day, and soon she'll be too numb to care anymore.

Lucas lost his annoyed stare, he look lighter, happier, a bright smile upon his face as he held the reason of the joyful reaction. A little boy, no older than five, sat on his arm giggling with excitement. Pale cheeks red, hair held a strikes of red- just like his mother, and eyes the matching shade of forest green like his uncle.

"Uncle Luke." The little boy urged out through a fit of laughter, he sling his body around to escape his uncle's torture of tickles. Finally, grasping his uncle's large hand, he put on a serious expression and point a tiny index finger towards the large man. "No more tickles."

Lucas laughed, it was heart felt and loud, it made my body buzz in hot and appreciation. "Alright kid, no more tickles."

Dakota smoked brighter, her eyes raked over the land before finding my own gaze, she frown slightly in disapproval but kept up her joyful appearance. Surprisingly, she gave me a small wave, in which I returned quite immediately. "He wants to go fishing." She spoke to Lucas directly in a soft hopeful tone.

Lucas set his nephew down and nod in understanding. "Is that true Khalil, you want to hit the waters?"

Khalil nod his head in excitement, his forest green eyes sparkle. "Yeah! I want to catch a huge fish." He spread his arms out to mimic the size of fish he wants. "Then we'll eat it."

"Yup, that is the rules buddy. Come on, let's get you ready." Turning around, Lucas noticed that I was standing on the porch watching. A flash of worry raked over him but was replaced with joy and relief. "But first, I want you to meet someone." He leads Khalil up the steps to the porch, taking one step at a time. They were finally in front of me, I've never grew so nervous in my life. "Khalil, this is my friend Jupiter. Jupiter, this is my nephew Khalil."

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