Chapter Twenty-Four: More Troubling than Time Itself

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By time Lucas and I arrived to Katherine's house it was late, the sun was starting to disappear behind the rows of houses, the streets were crowded with traffic, as the same homes were being filled with hardworking people. Lucas managed to pull himself out of work, he looked exhausted, irritated with the numerous amount of cases fallen into his lap, and all he was quiet- too quiet for my liking.

"We can still skip out." I suggested, eager for her to agree. I wasn't into this dinner date either, I regretted agreeing to this, but push that regret away since Athena was rather eager to have this moment.

Lucas sighed lightly, pushing away his irritation and exhaustion by grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze. "No, I'm fine." He grumbled.

The door opened to show Katherine, she looked lighter, smiling lightly in greeting but still having a stern and cautious look in her eyes. "Jupiter, Lucas, welcome." She stepped to the side, arms stretched while holding the door.

I walked in first, taking in the open space with color and light. The house smelt of Athena's gracious cooking with a hint of gingerbread from the near by candle. "Thanks for inviting us."

"No problem, this was long due anyway." Katherine answered while extending her hand to properly introduce herself to the new stranger in her home. "Athena told me of you. Nothing bad, nothing in full detail; other than your a cop and lycan, how unusual."

Lucas took her hand, making effort of a light smile. "Right, of course. Jupiter told me you're a psychic and therapist."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to read your mind or anything. I like privacy as much as the next person, and I'll try to keep myself from asking too many questions. Dinner is not ready yet, but there's cheese, crackers, and wine in the sitting room."

The three of us walked in the room, sitting upon the furniture while pouring ourselves wine to ease the evening and let go of everything; work, drama, the odd terrifying truth. It was silent, the two introduced themselves, but what else were there to do? We weren't the type of people to being up conversation out of nothing, at least not without the other host of this dinner.

"Jeez, it's quieter than a cemetery in here." Athena walked in, a light smile upon her face as she take a seat beside Katherine, slinging her legs upon her girlfriend's thigh. "Lucas."

He was taken back from the causality, no smart comment, not even a glare in her eyes. "Athena."

"Dinner will take another five minutes." She stayed with a huff. "So, let's get drunk off wine and hope one of us will spring up a conversation. Number one rule, nothing about politics or religion."

Katherine clasped her hand above her knee and sighed in delight. "How's the relationship going?"

"K, no therapist talk." Athena groaned while pouring herself another glass of red wine.

"I'm sorry, it slips out sometimes. I can only assume everything is fine, right. Is the sex life good?"



Athena and I screamed at once, both of us embarrassed from the question. The fact she asked so freely made me cringe, and Lucas nonchalant reaction of a shrug made me want to disappear. I drunk most of the bitter wine and shiver. "I have to pee, where's the bathroom?" I pushed myself up, smothering my skirt while trying to hide my blushed cheeks.

"I'll show you." Athena offered while rushing out the room, me following close behind. As soon as we were away from their ears, I pinched her side. "Ow, it's not my fault, she reads my thoughts sometimes."

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