Chapter Thirty-Three: Traitor in Arms

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I awoke in a dark cell, underground of the coliseum where they use to hold the gladiators and slaves until their battle. I sat up slowly, my feet were numb with a slight pricking sensation, they were cleaned and wrapped in bandages. My clothes were no longer upon me, instead a long black dress with flowing thing material covered my body- well, barely covered my body as my breast cans till he seen under the light. My hair was in a bun, a tight ball upon my head and no once falling out of place every time I move.

"Good, you're awake." Gavriila marches towards the rusted bars guarded by two of the three ring brotherhood. She pushes them apart, and grabbed into the bars as if I were an animal in the cage. "Like the outfit? Picked out myself. I thought we should all dress up for father, celebrate his return in fashion." She giggled.

I walked to the cage, my own hands clasped on the bar beside her own. "Why don't you do this? Since you're so devoted to him. Unless you have more of your mother's blood than his."

Her smile dropped, her lips trembled as the words spark her fuse. "My mother is the most powerful being on this earth. She is the creation of all things evil, and compared to your own whore of-"

I reached out, wrapping my fingers around her skin throat. "One more wor-"

"What? You going to snap your cousin's neck. With all means, go right ahead, I can fine a new body that fits me."

I blinked twice, her eyes flashed from electric blue to brown. I removed my hands as Maxine's pure eyes stared back at me. I pushed myself away from the rusted bars, arms wrapped around my body to clasp onto warmth. Gavriila laughed wickedly and tsk the word, 'weak'. "You better hope Antonio is severely beaten to a thread of his life when he comes. We both know one of you must die in order to bring them back."

"Them?" I glanced at her over my shoulder, brows raised in confusion.

Her lips curled into a smirk. "I'm going to get my parents back. Lilith and Ilorian, walking upon this earth, that will be a whole lot of fun. Mother needs a capable body, and being Antonio is a man, it'll come to some difficulty with father."

"And seeing his own daughter body as a lover will not?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "We all have to make uncomfortable sacrifices." Pushing herself off the gate, Gavriila sent a curt nod to one of the guards, forcing them to open the gate as the other matched in and roughly grabbed me by the arms.

The other holding the gate came in with thick bronze shackles with encryptions upon them, he clasped it tight on my wrist. My body immediately grew numb as the encryptions glowed blue, as if taking my power. "It's reassurance." Gavriila voiced. "Make sure you don't do anything crazy while you're out there."

One of the guys nudged me forward, causing me to stumble before catching myself. The bottom of my feet still aches, and dirt is certainly getting into the bandages, but proper medical care isn't my problem right now.

Lucas was still strung up on the statue, now he stood with his arms lowered, he looked better- the blood must of been washed away by rain, and the cuts were fully healed; but he still looked exhausted and weak. His eyes found mine, concern and anger waved over him as a low threatening growl escaped his throat. "Shut up." Hank back hands him, the sense of power over the lycan fueled his ego. Lucas let his head fall into the side as his fingers balled into fist.

"Let's get this show in the world shall we." Gavriila voiced. Just then, Vloydik shows up, the suit he were wearing was soaked in blood, face hold splatters of the thick red liquid. However, his appearance wasn't what made me gasp in shock and defeat. Antonio was slumped upon his father's leg, bloody, face so bruised and swollen I barely recognized him.

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