Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Rumble of Thunder

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By Sunday morning I was ready to bite the bullet, Francis diagnosed me with a major concussion that should of put me in a coma for days, however, the fallen angel blood has healed my body better than the herbs had. Of course, with that I had to skip out on the two nights of singing at the club; which I should of been grateful for, but I was disappointed.

I healed fast, although, Aunt May was on my ass about leaving the manor today, even Athena places her opinion in there but didn't go further than: 'are you sure you want to go today?' and 'Try not to move so fast, your body maybe healed but your mind can still be wounded.' Oddly she was right. My ego was stabbed repeatedly and I would be wrong if I say I didn't want to get revenge. Vloydik killed an innocent woman, she just wanted the paycheck and to get on with her life, but instead she was apart of his ploy.

Instead of the traditional Sunday fishing, Lucas drove Antonio, Francis, and I out to the woods a mile away from the cabin. I can only assume he coming out here a lot, mainly from the way he walks through the small man made path as if it were nothing. We finally settled in a small opened space, with rich dirt and old trees tower wing over us- touching the sky and holding its own city of wildlife.

Francis immediately formed a circle with mixed plants and herbs, making some kind of shield around me. "It's to help you concentrate." He announced once finishing the circle.

Antonio stood outside the barrier, hands clasped behind his back and eyes studying me. "Tell me what happened in the store."

No one dared to ask what happened, considering I was a key witness to a murder and it made me emotional. I took a deep breath to go back to that day; the blood, the woman's cold body, she choked on her own fluids while trying to scream for help. I was too late, I was there while she was dying. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep myself from crying.

"No, don't hold back." Antonio spoke out, urging me to continue thinking about the day. It was like a bad picture show, each moment flashing through my mind, causing my chest to ache and head to spin.

"I can't." I voiced while pushing it all back. It was too painful, all of my emotions were trying to come out at once, it was overwhelming and felt as if my body were going to be torn in half. I saw Lucas adjust himself from the corner of my eye. He too wasn't comfortable with the idea, but he wouldn't let me go at this alone, neither does Francis. I appreciated them both for being here, they had major lives of their own and they're taking their time to be here; it made my heart swell.

"You have to." Antonio spoke sternly, his playful ways jumped out the window head first.

I took a deep breath and tried again, this time keeping my eyes open as the images flashed through my mind, however, they were no longer images. The young store clerk stood beside Antonio, the gash still in her neck as she looked at me with confusion. On the other side of me were the realtor from North Carolina, broken limbs and bruises all along her face, then there's HR from the police station, Rebecca- the bartender at the lycan den- took place in front of Antonio, and next the possessed woman from the pit stop; all victims I've seen or caused.

The sunlight dimmed as storm clouds rolled in, the wind picked up to the point our hair flew with it, the leaves swarmed around like a large vortex, and the energy inside me spread everywhere on every nerve. "What are you feeling?" Antonio said loud enough for me to hear.

I saw them all, they stared at me with flames in their eyes. "Rage."

"What else?"

The sound of thunder made my heart drop, the booming sound pierced my ear drums and rattled my bones. "Powerful." I whispered while feeling the storm rage over me. The wind picked up, the branches upon the trees shook, the wildlife scattered, and rain started to pour. I chuckled lightly from the adrenaline, I never seen or felt anything like it.

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