Chapter Fourteen: Aconite

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'One fish.... two fish... red fish... blue fish... black fish... blue fish...old fish.' They chanted, both in sync as their fingers traced each world. Mother and daughter, finally happy after the storm. The little girl sat upon her mother's lap, wearing her footy pajamas, hair brushed into a ponytail and eyes droopy with exhaustion. 'Momma?'
'Yes love?'
'Where do baby's come from?'
The woman laughed, obviously amused from the typical question running through every child's mind. 'Well, that's a very complicated question. You were born on the night of planets lining, a very rare thing in the universe that forced me to call you Jupiter. The question of where you came from, that I will answer when you get older.' Poking her daughter's stomach, she kissed her chubby cheeks and continued to read
A loud ring filled the house, along with several rushed knocks. The little girl's mother stilled, a heavy past her lips as she set her daughter down. 'Keep reading, I'll be back.' She scurried away.
The little girl continues to read, following the words with her tiny index finger, successfully reading each word without stumbling. Her mother's mumbling filled the air, along with a low hiss of another person. The commotion went on for a little bit long, until a loud crash of a lamp ended the fuss and the front door slamming closed.
The little girl stared out her open door, biting down on her bottom lip as temptation to walk downstairs fulfilled her, but before she could decide her mother ran back upstairs with a bright smirk upon her face. 'Where were we?'

The dream was settle, I guess that's a good sign in my book. I swing my legs out of bed, rustled my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath to start my day. I picked up my phone, immediately seeing a few messages from different people.

Athena: There's breakfast on the stove for you. I think Maxine ate the last pieces of bacon, don't be surprised if you don't see any.

Maxine: I ate the last strips of bacon, to make it up to you I left the cinnamon rolls alone. Have a good day :)

Aunt M: Come by the morgue today, I need your assistance.

Lucas: Just checking to see if you didn't overdose last night.

Although each of the messages deserved a reply back, I decided to type out one message that would amuse me.

Jupiter: As you can see, I'm not dead. Thanks again for giving them to me, even though it didn't help with my dreams, and the dream catcher was a piece of shit; I really appreciate it.

Surprisingly he replied right back. The three dots popped up quickly and disappeared as soon as it showed.

Lucas: Anytime, just make sure you keep it between us. I'm still a cop working with humans, to them the exchange would end us both in jail for over five years.

I chuckled out loud with glee, his humor strikes me- or at least I think it's humor, you can't really tell with him.

Jupiter: I'll keep it on the DL ;) I'm going to stop by the station, if you want you can pay for lunch. I'll buy dessert.

Lucas: Sounds cool, see you then.

A sigh past my lips as I adverted my gaze in the corner of my phone to check the time. Once again I slept past ten, everyone was gone, the manor was quiet and still; I'm starting to hate that. Ever so quickly, I wash and dress, and jogged downstairs to get something to eat before running off to the police station. However, before I arrived to the precinct, I decided to drop by at Francis book shop; it's been awhile since I've seen him and I actually started to miss him.

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