Chapter Thirty-One: Taken and Restored

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I felt my world shatter, my heat break into to, and mind twist with deadly negative thoughts; Lucas can be dead... what if it's his blood on the walls... what if they killed him... I wanted to pull my hair out and yell at the sky, I can feel my panic and rage rumbling in my chest, spreading through my body- causing me to turn weak and magic uncontrollable. The ground shook, pictures fell off the wall and furniture moved out of there rightful places. I fell, my knees weak, throat clenched shut, and vision blurt as I cried.

"Anjinho!" Antonio fell in front of me, grabbing hold of my shoulders and shaking them lightly. "Control yourself."

"Get away." I roared, sending him felling back to the broken table. The cabin started to crumble, dust flew down from the ceiling as wood crack.

Antonio regained himself, scrambling towards me once more, he held onto me tight and forced me to look up into his glowing pale blue eyes. "Calm down." His voice echoes in my mindC causing my body to numb, the rage to subdue, and my pounding heart steady and calm. However, it didn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheek and the sadness to take over me.

I fell into his chest, face buried into his shirt as I broke apart. "He's gone." I cried out, becoming even more sad from the fact I wasn't there to help him fight. I was supposed to be his back up, he was probably calling out for me and I wasn't there to hear him.

Antonio soothes me, rubbing my back as I soak his shirt, whispering into my air, encouraging my mind to think Lucas was alright; parsing his strength and stubbornness. Suddenly, a rush of air came around us, we were no longer in the cabin. The room was dark, the floor felt like carpet, and it was cold. The light flicks on and a soft gasp escapes someone lips.

"What's happened?" It was Francis, he came running, kneeling beside me. I fell into his arms, curled around him as I cried some more. "Oh dove." He spoke softly while holding onto my shoulders.

"Lucas cabin's been attacked." Antonio spoke breathlessly while standing to his feet. "I'm going to gather the others." Just like that, he disappears to only comes back with Athena.

"What the fuck?" She yelled, scared out of her mind, dressed in her lab coat and heels. Antonio disappears once more, bring back Katherine, and then Aunt May.

"Alright, family meeting." Antonio spoke, grabbing all of their confused gazes. "We have a situation, which is why Jupiter is crying her eyes out. Lucas was taken by Vloydik's minions."

Katherine stared at all of us as if we were crazy. "Okay, what is going on? Who is this guy? And why-"

"Questions later please."

I sat up slowly, wiping the rest of my tears away and took in the room. It was surely Antonio's penthouse, everything new and colorless, however, we were no longer in New Orleans. I crawled to my feet and stumbled to the large window, pressed my forehead against the cold glass. The city looked like stars beneath our feet, New York, I can hear the traffic below, the loud chatter, and smelt the mixture of food.

"Jupiter." Athena stepped to my side, I saw the worry in the glass reflection. She pressed her hand upon my back.

I took a deep breath and pushed the sadness away. Stay strong, Jupiter... I turn to them all, wiped away more of my tears. "Wait, we're missing one. Where's Maxine?"

Antonio disappears, this time it took a little longer to come back, when he did my world shattered even more. "I can't find her." The four words none of us wanted to hear.

"Maybe you didn't look hard enough." Aunt May barked, stepping into Antonio space. "Or maybe this is your plan. Take us out one by one."

"Mom." Athena stormed to her side, grabbed her mother's elbow and pulled away before the anger turns physical. "It's okay, we'll do a tracking spell. She'll turn up."

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