Chapter Six: Dark Alleys... Hazy Thoughts

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Lynette Wilson... What truly happened to you? You were such a sweet girl, an angel with a adorable smile, long red hair like Ariel, rosy cheeks and green eyes. Your mother gave us cake and milk, she would sing us a song- even though she couldn't hold a proper tone- while playing a piano. I would of sworn she was Mozart.

The tip of my index finger traces the scratch in words. It kept me from sleeping, I didn't even want to close my eyes. A soothing hum formed in my throat, my feet flat on the cold floor, fingers gripped the edge of the mattress as the cold sensation came back. It wasn't intense like in the bar, a quick chill went up my spine as the back of my neck formed goosebumps. However, it wasn't like the first night I felt the harsh chill; it's different... calmer.

I kept humming the familiar tone... the same tone my mother would hum in the kitchen while making pancakes for dad and I. Then I felt it, a light kiss upon the cheek. It could of been a gust of air, a small draft brushing against my skin. But it wasn't, it tightened my chest and glossed my eyes until I squeezed them shut and swallow my emotions.


I gasped lightly while wiping my eyes. "Aunt May." I spoke her name softly before turning to see her standing in the doorway, hands clenching her Chinese robe, and lips formed into a pout. "What's wrong?"

She took in a deep breath as her eyes wandered around the room, maybe she felt something too. Perhaps she's a detector too, considering it's hereditary. "Nothing, I... I have no idea." Aunt May looked confused, another thing about her that she keeps locked away. "What are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep." I pressed my back against the headboard, knees pulled to my chest.

She invited herself to take a seat at the edge of my bed, shoulders slumped and face still full of confusion. "You were humming... a song. That is dad's song... your grandfather."

"Mom would sing it when I was young." I mumbled, my eyes drifts down to the Egyptian thread curled around my toes. "Do you miss her?"

"Of course." Aunt May mistakenly snapped but took it back by clearing her throat and speaking in a lighter tone. "Yes, very much."

"I'm sorry to ask, it's just you never talk about her and-"

"Just because one doesn't verbally share their emotions, doesn't mean they don't feel, Jupiter. Your mother and I growing up had it difficult. We were black witches in a city where both sides of society hated us, your grandparents were stern souls who gained a reputation of not showing mercy. They were feared, practically ruled New Orleans, and we were to take their places. But in order to do that, we had to push our emotions down and become merciless. However, that all changed when Meadow met your father and had you, just then I had Athena. Then all our parent's reputation and power went to another family, not once did your mom regret it."

"And you?"

Aunt May drops her gaze, her lips twitched into a sly smirk before falling into a small frown. She sucked in a deep breath and blew out raspberries. "Honestly, me having power will cause this city to drown even more. Get some sleep, the lack of rest will send you straight to insanity faster than fear." Nudging my legs, she pulled herself up and walked out the attic, closing the door behind her along the way.


The next morning I couldn't stay in the house by myself. Of course, Maxine and Aunt May went off to do their daily routines; work and school. Along with Athena, who thought skipping another day will set the veterinary in a tight spot of losing faithful customers. After everyone left, so did I.

Packing up a book bag full of printed research and old books to help me figure out what was truly going on, I took a short trip deeper into New Orleans. The streets were crowded with tourists and vendors, music played loud, colors scattered everywhere, and smiles blinding me in every direction. Being in a place full of life seemed as if I walked into another world, the festivities and neighbors. I can't believe I was hiding in that old manor all this time.

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