Chapter Sixteen: Saint Eve's Bastard Church

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Francis's car, which was a hearse, caught many eyes as I drove through the city. The black paint and tinted windows didn't help disguise the fact it was actually someone's daily car than a funeral home driver getting lost. I parked on the curb, rolled down the window and stick my head out ti only show a childish grin. "I'm here to pick up a dead body."

Apparently, Francis nor Lucas saw my joke funny. In fact, they find nothing funny as the two look like they were a second away from killing each. I sighed heavily and climbed out the car, keys in hand as I past them to Francis. "Thank you." I voiced. Francis gave me a curt nod before climbing inside and driving off to wherever was on his schedule for today. "I thought you two were supposed to be behave."

"We did." Lucas barked, his features softened and stiff body a little loose. "For a little while. Both of us got a little drunk and-"


A growl formed in his throat as his eyes slowly rolled. "No. We shared some supernatural political views. It wasn't pretty."

"That's why I try to keep politics out of a night of drinking. Let's get a move on, shall we." I patted his shoulder before leading the way to the cemetery. It wasn't too far from the mainland of New Orleans, it was actually in city limits. "Apparently you and Francis weren't the only one who shared their views last night."

He gave me a questionable look, right eyebrow raised smoothly, lips slightly thin and forest green as becoming lighter- or that can just be the way the sun was hitting him. "Are you going to elaborate?"

"Athena and I got into an argument. I said something, she said something- it was kinda a disaster. She said I should start acting normal, is that true? Should I stop all of this?"

"You want the truth?"

"Yeah, I do actually."

"Well, yeah, I think you should stop. I mean, you've been attacked twice already and not once did you get any information. However, you're stubborn, so everything I'm saying to you is going in one ear and out the other, isn't it?"

I nod my head in confirmation. "Pretty much, but I am considering your advice. If I don't get information from the cemetery, then I'm calling off the search." My eyes scanned over him, Francis's shirt clung to his body and even made me laugh from the gothic appearance. "How are you feeling?"

Out of instinct, Lucas placed a hand on his stomach where scars could of been if he did actually heal on his own. "Fine, just needed rest."

"What does the precinct say about your absence?"

"They don't really care about that, as long as I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere. I need to find that son of a bitch, he's still out there killing."

"Hey," I slowed down my pace to a stop and pulled him to the side so we weren't be in the way. "We can always skip this. We can go find him right now and kick his ass."

"I want to do more than kick his ass, Jupiter." He hissed in a low tone that revealed rage and hurt. "Who knows how many of my kind he murdered- his own kind. What sick bastard would even do that?"

"There's a few I can name from previous time." I mumbled while clasping onto his wrist, I could feel his restraint as the anger coursed through his body; the beast inside him wanted to crawl out and ripe people to shreds, but Lucas kept his cool and held back. "I'm not going to stop you from doing what you must, but I'm not going to let you do this alone. I can't..." I gulped while adverting my eyes down to our feet to push past the horrid memory. "I can't find you in some shed again. You're one of a few people I can trust and care about."

He wasn't pleased with the proposal, but knowing me I would badger him until he says yes. "We need a ride and I need to change." He groaned while, surprisingly, grabbing my hand and leading me in the opposite direction of the cemetery.

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