Chapter Twenty-Five: The Sinning Man

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No nightmares... not even a dream crept through my mom during the night, only Lucas warmth and his light snoring. I woke up with the dim sunlight bouncing off the brick wall and into the small window, the bed was empty, only the sound of the shower running behind a thin closed door. Our clothes were everywhere, the lamp no longer on the bed side table as it took place upon the kitchen counter waiting to be fixed.

My body was a little sore, exhausted from last night; the energy I used to break the lamp has worn me out, plus Lucas sexual tendencies and stamina. The thin sheet was pressed against my chest as I sit up, my back uncomfortably pressed against the metal bars of the headboard, feathers from the pillows laid around me- I can only assume there were some in my hair.

The shower turned off, the sound of numerous metal rods scraping against another filled the air. It didn't take long for Lucas to show himself with a towel wrapped securely around his wet body. My core clenched to only make me twice as sore. "Morning." I chirped while sending him a small smile.

"Morning." Lucas spoke gruffly, the usual morning sound of someone who just woke up. "How are you feeling?"

"Good... I'm good. How about you? Did you do surgery on the lamp?"

He looked over his shoulder to the miserable lamp, it's shade barely hung on as the light bulb was broken in two. "Unfortunately, the old thing needs to be replaced. Surgery was in successfully, and apparently you blew out the fuse for the entire apartment."

A guilty frown formed upon my face. "Oh, sorry."

"It's not your fault babe, you were in the moment." He strides my way, towel still secure upon his waist. He plucked a few feathers from my hair before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Apparently you were in the moment too." I referred to the feathers and the thin crawl marks upon the wall in between the bars.

Instead of laughing, he only grew worried. "I don't hurt you or anything, right?"

I shook my head immediately. "No, I would of told you last night if you did. Where's breakfast? I'm starved."

"On the corner of cruiser and ninth street. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to cook here because of the fumigation. So, get up, get dressed, and let's hit the road." He pats both sides of my thighs before continuing to dry and dress.

We were out the door in no time, well at least before it was too late for us to get breakfast and to have Lucas get to the station on time. We went to a cafe around the corner, it was crowded with early birds, loud chatter filled the air and the smell of lattes and hot chocolate filled the air. Hand to hand, we stood in the long line, waiting to gain service and fill our bellies.

I reached in my purse to grab my phone, immediately detecting numerous amount of messages I haven't taken a peek at this morning.

Aunt M: Hey, where are you?
Aunt M: Seriously, Jupiter, are you still over Athena's?
Aunt M: Okay, Athena said you left an hour ago, it's almost midnight.

Athena: Dude, mom is totally freaking out. You better be dead or have a good ass excuse.

There were several missed calls from both parties, and even one from Maxine. Crap... I can hear the worry in each text, my heart weighed heavy and stomach clenched. "Stay in line, I have to make a call."

Lucas nod, although he wanted to ask who. I kissed his cheek in reassurance, his jealousy was unneeded and kinda cute. I stepped outside where it was quiet and pressed Aunt May's number and pressing the phone to my air. She answered on the third ring. "You better be held for ransom."

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