Chapter Twenty-Three: Long Story Short...

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Either I was losing my mind or Antonio- the so called fallen angel, was pulling my leg. Athena told me about angels and demons, how angels was stuck in heaven and not once do they interfere with our lives. However, for a fallen to be here in front of me, acting like a lawyer and even quote he was protecting me- it's crazy. "You're lying." I stated while creating distance between us. "That's impossible, my father is human, a nice human on top of that."

"What man are you referring to? Because the father you know is human, but your biological-"

"Shut up." I spat, not wanting to hear anymore from him. "Mom would never.... I see your truck and it won't work."

"What trick? I know gods who loves to play tricks, but considering my circumstance and background, I don't have time for them."

I shook my head, still not believing a word he says. Of course dad is my biological father, mom said they met a year before they got married, and then had me. They have pictures to prove it and a wedding video, there's no way mom could even- unless. "Did your uncle rape my mother?"

Antonio looked shocked from the question, he stand to his feet and released a heavy sigh. "Just jump right into that huh?"

"There's no other reason. Mom loved my father- the man that raised me, there's no way she would ever cheat on him, unless this fallen angel took advantage."

"There's many possibilities, I don't know every single detail known to man, all I know you're in my own father's line of interest."

A scoff past my lips as I went for the door, but paused knowing he'll send me on an endless loop back to his office. "So keeping him away from me is some type of revenge? Stick up to the man and piss him off so he can give you some attention. I won't be apart of this dysfunctional family crisis."

"Oh sweetheart, you're apart of this dysfunctional family crisis." He snarled, obviously irritated and pissed off with this meeting. "Take all the time you need to have this settle in your mind, but don't take too long because the old man would want to see you soon." With a flick of his wrist I was back on the trolley, it wobbles from the sudden force that brought me back, still, the people around was clueless.

I took the trolley back to the city and hoped off as soon as the police station came in sight. I only hope Lucas was still there typing up his reports and looking at files. It pained me for distracting him from work, lord knows I've kept him away for quite sometime. I charged through the building, practically ran upstairs to the department to only find no one. There was no one left but a female detective typing on her computer, not even Hank say behind his desk.

I huffed to myself and pulled out my phone, sent a quick text to show I needed to talk but not in a urgent manner:

Jupiter: Call me when you get a chance.

The message was settle, but Lucas couldn't help but text back right away.

Lucas: What's wrong?

Jupiter: Am I that predictable?

Good Jupiter, put some humor in it, don't have him panic during the job.

Lucas: Sometimes, it's a good thing.

Jupiter: Is it?

Lucas: To me it is.

Jupiter: Shouldn't you be catching murderers? Why are you still texting me?

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