Chapter Twenty-Seven: Spotlight

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It was nighttime when we crossed the state lines of Louisiana, close to seven bu time we got into New Orleans. I told Lucas to take me straight to the Red Door jazz club, wasting no time to get this over with and see what Antonio wants me to sing. Lucas still weren't pleased with the idea. "Please, stop worrying, it'll make things worse." I begged while we climbed out into the dark streets.

The Red Door jazz club was small, a underground dome that looks more like a warehouse than a club itself. Brick walls were on each side, a stage in front of a row of small tables and a long bar on the side. It looked empty, which means more people... more people, more ears, and triple the judgement. I gulped as anxiety took over.

"Anjinho! Your early." Antonio jumped off the stage, he wore faded jeans and a loose t-shirt, his hair was combed back but he held the Superman curl. "And you brought your bodyguard too. There's room for all. Let's get this started shall we." Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a thick folded stack of papers. "Lyrics to songs we're playing Friday night, most you may know, some is a little old for your time. Anyway, get to know them well. Plus, you'll need a dress, a sexy one, I'm sure your boyfriend will help with that; it has to make their jaws drop."

Suddenly, a group of middle age man with thick beards and glasses walked in. They didn't look like a group of people to include Antonio in their group, he's too arrogant and cocky, but he could of did a little trick to have them like him. "Gentlemen, this is our new female singer, Jupiter."

They eyes me closely, judging me, seeing if it worth to be under the spotlight. "Hey." They spoke in unison before sitting at the small tables. "Let's hear you." One of them spoke out, amused and curious.

I turned to my boyfriend, but he was already taking a seat with them to listen, along with Antonio. Fuck... I surely wasn't prepared to put on a show, yet along open my mouth to sing. But I gulped and pushed myself on the stage under the bright sunlight, my hands clasped behind my back as I tried to gain my strength.

"Billy Ray was a preacher's son
And when his daddy would visit he'd come along
When they gathered around the parlour talkin'
That's when Billy would take me walkin'
Through the backyard we'd go walkin'
Then he'd look into my eyes
Lord knows, to my surprise"

I sung proud, loud, Aretha words flowed through me as I stared down at the one person who can give me such confidence. Lucas was focused, his eyes strained on me, eyes flickered to neon green and dark forest green, he pushed his beast back before anyone could take notice. I was finally down, thank goodness mom loved her soul R&B.

Jumping off the stage, the men immediately critiques me. "I hope you know some jazz." One of them voiced, obviously intrigued and letting me into this group. The others follows behind in praise, lighting me up on the inside and giving me more confidence.

"Good." Antonio releases a breath in relief. "Tomorrow night at eight, pretty dress, makeup, drink some tea, and get some rest." Oddly, he spoke tenderly and sent me a small smile.

Lucas and I left, not once did my boyfriend speak but his actions were enough. He gently pushed me against the car, attacking my lips and holding close by the waist. The lycan inside of him wanted out, control, procession of my body. "I have to take you home." He spoke in a reminder to himself, to keep himself from driving to his apartment to take me.

"Take me." I whispered against his lips, my fingers locked into his soft hair as I held onto his shoulder. I was aroused, I needed him; the control, the dominance, to be taken by the beast that pushed me to climax a few times before. I reached behind me to open the door, before sliding inside, Lucas follows behind while shrugging off his jacket, I took off my pants. The street was empty, dark, no one going up and down the sidewalk- just us.

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