Chapter Twelve: Night Vision

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I practically ran down the street, dodging slow walking pedestrians and near by cops yelling at me to slow down. It didn't matter, I was already ate in meeting a fellow cop if theirs. I approached the station, breathing heavy, legs burning and stomach twisting from my emptiness. I stopped just before the door, bending over with my knees as I faced the concrete.

After catching my breath, I finally walked inside. The air was stuffy, the smell of cigarettes woke me up, and the room of officers was more troubling than a bar full of vampires. I walked further into the precinct, clutching onto my bag with both hands while looking amongst the crowd.

"Can I help you with something?" A officer stepped forward, certainly a higher ranking from his name tag and strips on the side of his arm.

"Uh," I tugged in my braids and blew raspberries. "I'm looking for detective Lucas."

"Lucas, what?"

Fuck, what's his last name... "He's a blonde guy, green eyes, always thinking he's all that with a bag of chips."

He nod his head in understanding before pointing me in the right direction. "Second floor, homicide department."

I peeped a thank you before speed walking my way through the place, took two steps at a time, walked around corners until coming upon the sign for the homicide unit. It was certainly packed, over at least ten detectives all dressed in suit and ties, except for two; one of them being Lucas, and another a tall slim man that looked more of a person I would see on the street. They stood by a desk, drinking coffee and yapping about god knows what. "Hey." I voiced once close enough to catch their eye, but far enough to not being in their personal space.

"Well, well, look who we have here." The slim guy smirked, not caring about his ogling eyes staring at the wrong places. "Let me guess, a stripping telegram for me?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes slowly. "Yeah, in your dreams."

"Alright, knock it off Hank." Lucas shoes his co-worker away by swatting him with a thick folder. Hank laughed to himself while staggering away to the other side of the room. "You're late."

"Yeah, I've overslept."

"It seem like you under-slept." He flopped down into his chair, the tips of his fingers tap against the keys whether slowly- obviously not use to typing up reports.

"Do you think that can be save for later? I want to go for lunch and we really need to talk."

Lucas sighed heavily and looked up at me with the same smirk upon his face. "You like burgers."

"Of course."

That was enough to encourage him to save his work for later. Logging off his computer and locking up his files, Lucas grabbed his stuff and lead the way out the department. "Yo, Lucas." Hank tan after us, sticking himself beside me- making me feel tiny. "You going for lunch?"

"Yeah but it's just an AB thing, you know."

Hank's eyes scanned over me slowly before sending a look to his friend. "Alright, see you later brother." Sending a gentle bump to his shoulder, Hank walked back to the office, of course smirking like a frat boy.

"He's a character." I stated. "Is he like you?"

Lucas didn't answer my question until we were securely outside, surrounded by other sounds to block out our voices. "No. I'm the only lycan in the department. Most of the police population is human, but each community likes to keep one of their own in the mix- for security purposes."

"Of course, I get it. Keep an eye on your enemies."

"Why do you look a wreck? Night terrors?" Along with sharing a room with a lycan detective, he hears and see everything, including the overnight whimpering and sudden jolts out of bed with cold sweat.

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