Chapter Twenty-Two: Antonio Garcia.... The Devil's Best Friend

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The room was bright, empty, white walls and white flooring. A room with one door and a hold knob on one of the identical square walls. My skin crawled, nerves rattled, and brain foggy as I tried to grasp on reality. 'Where am I?' I spoke out loud, my voice echoed and bounced back like a wave, hitting my chest and pushing me back. I pushed forward, walking straight to the door, clasping the cold polished knob and opened the door to hear the soft tune of a piano playing in a dim room.

I stepped in, the door immediately closing behind me. A spotlight poured over a polished red piano and a familiar man that played a soft tune I've heard once or twice when I were a little girl- most likely from mom's jazz collection. I stepped closer, exposing myself under the bright light, the tips of my fingers placed along the polished instrument as I stared down at the familiar man; my throat tightened, chest heavy, and body shivered. 'Dad?'

He looked up, his lips stretched into a small smile, his fingers kept hitting the keys- not once skipping a note. 'Little Foot.'

I took in a sharp breath, tears streaming down my cheeks as I take him in. He looked young just like the day he died, a fancy tailored suit upon his dark brown skin, hair still long with dreads that were maintained- even in the afterlife. 'Oh my god, dad.' I dropped down to the bench, wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my cheek pressed against his shoulder blade as I took in the smell of his favorite cologne- the strong scent of sage with a mix of rosemary.

The music stopped, his long arm circled around me as he pulled me in. 'You finally came little foot?'

I pulled away, shocked and relieved. 'What do you mean? Of course I would dream of you.'

Dad gave me a confused look that was replaced by a small amusing laugh. 'Oh honey, your mother has so much to tell you.' He pinched one of my dreads hanging over my shoulder. 'Trying to copy me?'

I wiped my tears away as nod my head yes. 'You don't know? About mom?'

'Yes, little foot, I know.' His smile drops into sadness and disappointment while pulling me closer and tighter.

I sighed softly and fell back upon his shoulder, my eyes squeezed shut as I try not to cry. 'I miss you dad, I miss you so much. Everything is a disaster, I don't know what to do.'

'Breathe, Jupiter, remember to breathe. Just one intake of breath can clear your mind, soothe your nerves and calm your rage. In due time you will find out everything, just be patient little foot.'

I pulled back, stared into his eyes as I tried to find the answers now. 'Find out what? What's going on dad? Please tell me.'

Suddenly, his eyes wanders around the dim space, his hold grew tighter in a protective way. 'I'm already in deep shit trying to reach you. It took me years to even have enough strength to get in touch. There's things I can't tell you right now, but I will soon, now you have to wake up.'

I shook my head and whimpered, holding onto his suit jacket as my lips quivered. 'No, I don't want to leave you. Please, I can't lose you dad, I can't-'

''Jupiter, I am always by your side, I'm not leaving you. You have to wake up little foot, it's dangerous for the living to be here.' He smothered my hair, pulling me in to place a lingering kiss upon my forehead. It was freezing, made my body tingle and stomach churn. 'Wake up little foot.'

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