Chapter Twenty: Not All Lycans Wear Capes

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'Momma?' The house was quiet, only the distinct sound of the crickets singing in the backyard filled my ears as I walked down that long hall into the empty living room. 'Mom?!' I screamed, my voice becoming scratchy. Still, noting but silence.
The house was different, carpet covered the floor, the walls were painted white, pictures were out of the hanging frames, and all the furniture were gone expect for the line wooden chair with rope hanging along the arm rest and front two legs. Fear was caught into my throat, the reminder of her death came before even as a glitch. Her body and blood disappearing and appearing as if someone is flicking a switch over and over again. 'Stop!' I screamed, causing everything to go back to the way it were; a plain room, even the chair was gone.
I stood there, waiting for some demon to show, for Antonio or the gate keepers to drag me away and kill me. But there was nothing, no one to disturb my mind, just the crippling silence and isolation that feared me the most.

I opened my eyes to take in the bright light shining through my thin curtains, the house was rowdy as Saturday mornings were always a time for Aunt May to blast her music and get our bloods flowing by setting out some adventure to the nearest clothing store or even a little cleaning. I crawled out if bed to clean up, of course not before checking my phone to see if Lucas texted me. I know who would text by the afternoon with some date plan, but I was too eager and excited. Unfortunately, he did not text nor call, nor I have to wait for a response.

Walking downstairs after becoming decent for the world, the music grew louder along with the smell of breakfast and a hint of cleaning products. "Run for the hills, mom is making us clean." Maxine warned while successfully cracking a egg with one hand. "With this money we have, I don't understand why she's doesn't hire a maid."

"First of all." Aunt May steps in from the broom closet, mop and bucket. "It's too risky to hire a maid, once she see your voodoo dolls and other crap hanging in these walls, they'll freak. Second, cleaning builds character. After eating, I want you two to tackle the steps and halls."

"Uh, I actually have to keep my afternoon open."


"Yeah, Lucas is supposed to take me on a date and he's going to call when."

"Well, you can clean until he calls then." Aunt May walked out the kitchen with a light shrug, not once giving me mercy.

"You thought you could pull a fast one, huh?" Maxine teases while continuing to cook.

"Can you just use magic?"

"Ha! As if I didn't try before. Mom caught me doing a Mickey Mouse Fantasia, she shut that down and made a bigger mess to make me clean up all by myself. You should of snuck out like Athena, I was too lazy to get out of bed that early."

I blew raspberries while slumping into the stool. This isn't how I wanted to spend my Saturday morning.


It wasn't until two o'clock when Lucas finally text me, my hands were pruny, nostrils burning, and body tired as I cleaned all around the house- plus my room.

Lucas: Okay, finally decided. Be ready by seven.

Jupiter: What did you decide, if I may ask? I want to pick out a right outfit.

Lucas: Since you like dancing so much, I thought it would be perfect to see some of your moves. That's all I'm gonna say.

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