Chapter Twenty-Eight: Weak Defenseless Human

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Awoke again from a dreamless slumber, oddly, I missed my dreams- even is it were horrible. It reminded me I were normal, mundane beings has nightmares more than dreams. I was downstairs in not time, fumbling with the silk scarf upon my head as I followed the sent of waffles and eggs sizzling in the pan. Aunt May was behind the stove, working her magic to satisfy our morning with a proper meal. "Morning." I chirped while pouring myself a glass of apple juice and take a few sips to get rid of my dry mouth.

Aunt May glanced over her shoulder. "Morning. Rough night?"

I most likely looked tired and worn out, my throat slightly sore from singing all night. "Oh, yeah. Had to sing a full on show." That reminded me to put on some hot tea with healing herbs to relax my throat.

"I guess church choir payed off. I remember when your mother told me she put you into that, I thought she were crazy."

"Yeah, mom has her crazy moments, but it's worth it." I smiled at the mere memory that only made me miss her even more. I sighed lightly to push the feelings away. "I have to do this for six nights; tonight, then tomorrow night, and all again next week." Surprisingly I was happy, the rush of singing in front of the crowd punched adrenaline in my veins. "You think I'm crazy, huh? For making this deal."

Aunt May sighed slowly, proving of her feelings towards the situation. "No, I think you're in the right mind. I would of done the same thing for you girls, anything. I just want you to be careful, don't trust so easily."

"Of course not." I wasn't the one to easily give my trust away, unless the person were worthy of it; like Francis and Lucas. Speaking of the devil, Francis texted me, which was a first.

Francis: SOS!! 911!

"I have to go, Aunt May." I announced, frowning at the fact I weren't able to eat a proper meal. I hurried to get ready, putting on any clothing I found, doing my hygiene quickly, and running down blocks to the book shop. I was breathing heavy, close to having a heart attack by time I burst through the door. "What is it? Who's dying?"

Francis stood behind the counter, flipping through a clothing catalog as if he didn't send the text. He stared up at me before checking his watch. "Fifteen minutes, I would of been dead already."

"Francis! Jesus." I grew irritated with his game. "Why would you send the text in the first place?"

He sighed heavily before nudging me to follow. Francis leads me downstairs to the basement where the older and delicate books were placed in a glass tomb. There, the 911 message was all about, Antonio strapped to a wooden chair, gagged, unconscious, and bleeding from the head. "This creep popped up in the book store, luckily I was too fast for him to handle."

I didn't know if I should laugh or panic. "Uh, about this. I kinda made a deal with Antonio to put a protection spell on you."

"You what?" His cheeks grew red under the thick stubble, his eyes widened and fear crept into his gaze but he punched it down.

I wanted to disappear, but instead I gave him a guilty smile. "I should of told you, but don't you think it's his fault for popping up on you like that?"

"Don't push the blame, Jupiter. Crap, now I have a fallen angel on my ass." He tugged onto his hair nervously, just then Antonio was coming about from the major attack that knocked him on his ass.

"What did you use on him?"

Francis tried not to look smug at his efficient attack to one of the most powerful being equivalent to a Greek god. "I've been going through some of ancient books for spells. After you told me about this whole fallen angel thing, I thought it was best to be prepared."

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