Chapter Thirty-Two: Short Family Tree

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A sister?! I have a fucking sister and she's evil too.... if things couldn't get any worse. She stood before me in Maxine's body, sexualizing her as if she were a piece of meat, it made my blood boil. "For fuck sake, she's only fifteen, at least cover her cleavage." I urged out through gritted teeth.

Gavriila looks down at her host, eyeing the dark seductive clothing no teenager should wear, especially one that's innocent and kind. "Oh, I'm not use to a little girl's body, it's definitely different and all these hormones are foreign to me. Anyway, you rang?" She popped her gum, obnoxiously chewing like a cow and giving me a bored gaze.

"I was hoping for Vloydik." I wanted to push the bastard off the roof, not before forcing him in telling me where Lucas is. Shit, is he possessed too?... worry cascaded over me. I lost Maxine, I can't lose him too.

"He's busy, besides, I was hoping for a little family meeting. Where's Antonio?" She stepped close and I stepped back. It was weird, Maxine's body being used for a evil creatures ploy, on top of that this creature was apparently my half sister. If it wasn't for the fact I had more pressing things to do, such as figuring out how to get the evil being out of my cousin and how to get Lucas before it's too late. "Doesn't matter." She declares with a shrug. "Antonio and I had shared words a long time ago, I don't want to ruin this body before I got use to it." Running her hands down Maxine's frame, I lashed out in rage and disgust.

"Don't you dare touch her like that."

Gavriila tsk in disapproval. "So hormonal, so attached to these weaklings. I mean, look at them down there, stuffing their faces with things that'll send to to an early grave, filling their minds with fucking nonsense, and gossiping on and on about shit happening across the world. Brainless idiots, don't even know what's happening in front of their door. Why would anyone dare to save them, huh? Of course you wouldn't understand, your mother was weak, died easily-"

"Don't!" My blood boiled, heart pounding fast in my chest as the static in my fingertips burned. Calm down, Jupiter, you can't hurt Maxine.... I immediately realized the reasoning of kidnapping two people I hold dare to me, not to make me suffer, but to push me off the ledge. Vloydik knows I would do anything when they're in harms way, that I would do anything to make sure they're safe. "Take me to him."

The creature in Maxine's body smirked, the electric blue irises stares deep into my soul, reminded me of the moment at the police station where my own eyes turned into the dark shade of blue. It was most likely a family trait, our biological father's signature and possession over us- a reminder we're his.

Gavriila steps closer, an inch away from me. "You feel it too?" Grabbing my hand, our fingertips pressed together, the physical form of electricity passed to one another; causing blue rays of light to form, my body numb and high. I can feel my eyes changing, mimicking her own gaze. "Our connection, little sister?"

"Jupiter!" Antonio burst through the door, Athena and Francis behind him.

Athena's face drops in sadness, she steps forward, disbelief in her eyes as her mouth trembles. "Maxine?"

Gavriila smirks in amusement. "No, just her parasite. Hey, cousin, I'll see you soon." With her free hand, she waved her fingers in good bye before the dark busy world became quiet, the sky blue and clear, a cool breeze brushed against my skin, the feeling of soft grass sticking my feet, and the smell of fresh baked bread made me relax.

She broke away, the electricity between us disappears, the numbness became nothing more but despair and worry, and I felt my eyes going back to normal. "Welcome to Rome!" Gavriila cheers while twirling around in the section of grass.

With a glance over my shoulder, I was gained proof of our international travels. The marble exterior of one of the historical artifacts of Ancient Rome, towered over me with its crumbling masterpiece and wonderful design- the Coliseum. I always wanted to come to Rome.

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