Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Home North Carolina

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The room was the same as I left it last time, only difference is the absence of the dead realtor, however, her blood was still there- dry, nearly black, and in a large circle representing a gruesome death. I shivered at the brutal memory and adverted my eyes somewhere else, my ringing phone for instance. Lucas I.D popped up, immediately setting a reminder in my mind that the HR was possessed and suffered from a seizure, plus I was no longer in the station. I took a deep breath before answering.

"Where the fuck are you?!" He barked, causing my eardrum to throb.

I released a shaky breath before answering. "Home... North Carolina." I walked towards one of the windows, seeing the untamed backyard, the grass were long, the old swing suit barely held on one screw and the light blue color was now a red-brown; rust covering every inch.

"North Carolina?" He hissed, confused and concerned. "Are you alone?" I bet he expected Antonio or some other fallen angel beside me, I can't blame him.

"Yes, I..." I couldn't admit it because it was crazy. Me? Teleporting? It was impossible, yet if what Antonio and Vloydik say were true, then the fallen angel blood in my veins came through. "I must of teleported here. How's the HR?"

Lucas released an uneasy breath. "He's been checked into the hospital. Apparently he had a major seizure and if you weren't there he would of been brain dead. Are you alright?" He was calmer now, still worried but not angry.

"Yes, I'm fine. Vloydik... he possessed him. It's all my fault-"

"Jupiter, it's not your fault. I'm coming up there to get you."

"No, Lucas, I'll find my way back. Maybe I can teleport back-"

"Don't. I don't want you to pop up on the sun or land in Russia. Stay there, I'll get you. Go to the same hotel we were in last time, I'll be there by tonight. Stay put honey, I'll tell May where you are."

I can only imagine Aunt May panicking, she never show emotion other than anger and calm. My heart twist and throat tightened with emotion. "Okay." I ended the call just in time. Downstairs I heard heavy boots and a loud radio, it's either the police or a contractor; it doesn't matter, I should may be here away.

I opened the window slowly, making sure not to show any indication a visitor was a crime scene. I rolled my skirt to mid thigh, slipped off my heels- held it tight in my hand, and wrapped my purse- luckily still in hand, over my shoulders and climbed out to the ladder along the wall. I dropped my heels on the grass before climbing down slowly. I managed to catch a ride as well, because of the fact I need money for the hotel, clothes, food, and other essential items to survive- a cab it lyft wasn't an option.
Luckily, I found an older woman who took pity and gave me a ride to the hotel, along with the hotel staff that gave me a room just for tonight.

As soon as I entered the room, I fell upon the bed and closed my eyes. The energy it took for me to teleport was mass, the panic and stress also took toll on my body.


A longer than six hour dreamless slumber, I woke up to spot the light rain drops hitting the window, the room was pitch black, and slightly chilly. I flicked on the light, revealing the small hotel room, reminding me I was too far away from home. I padded across the room and towards the hotel phone that was ringing off the hook. "Hello?" I said in a gurgled voice.

"Miss Wallace, there's a gentleman here by the name of Lucas Maynor."

"Oh, can you let him up?"

"Sure thing miss Wallace." The receptionist hung up with a chirpy voice. Relief ran over me, I do have to hand it to him, Lucas doesn't disappoint.

A few seconds went by and Lucas entered the room with the second key card. Before I could open my mouth, he charged at me, lips upon mine, arms around my body- tight, warm, and never letting go. "Never do that again." He growls the demand, showing his worry and exhaustion.

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