Taeil's POV

"Come on were going to be late!" Kun yelled in my ear. I rubbed my ear as he continued to drag me to the school ground. "Yeah right. You just want to see your boyfriend before school" I muttered. He turned his head to give me a quick glare. I rolled my eye's at him as he let go of my hand and ran towards a tall blond boy by the gates.

"Hansol" Kun yelled running into the arms of his boyfriend. "Hey Baby, how was your weekend?" He asked in his usual quiet but deep voice.

"It was boring without you" Kun pouted snuggling deeper into his boyfriend's chest. I stood next to the couple shifting my weight on my left leg awkwardly. "Well you have me now" Hansol said pecking Kun's forehead. I coughed trying to get their attention but to no avail. I left the two lovebirds in search of Ten. I saw Ten and Jaemin at our usual table and went to go sit down.

"Hey boys" I said sitting down next to Ten with a big smile on my face. "Hey, Taeil-hyung" Jaemin mumbled as he chewed on his breakfast burger. I ruffled his hair and flung my backpack under my foot. "Where's Jeno?" I asked, he was always here with Jaemin. If he wasn't talking he would be cuddling into Jaemin so it was kinda shocking he wasn't here. "He over slept. He'll be here soon" He gulped and continued eating his breakfast.

"Where's Kun?" Ten asked before he slapped himself lightly on the forehead. "Why did I even ask that? Of course he's probably sucking faces with Hansol" He chuckled taking a sip of his orange juice. "We were not sucking faces!" Kun yelled sitting down on the other side of me, Hansol sitting next to him. Hansol chuckled and pecked his boyfriend on his cheek. "You hungry, baby" He asked Kun. Kun nodded his head adding puppy dog eyes while he was at it. I almost puked at the way he was acting. I guess it was cute, but it was too cute for my liking. "I'll be right back" He scrunched his nose getting up and leaving for the line.

"Woah, hyung your in deep" Ten laughed spitting out most of the orange juice he drunk. "Ew, gross" Jaemin grumbled moving his food out of the way.

Hansol came back to the table with a sluggish Jeno behind him. Jeno slugged himself over the bench next to Jaemin and cuddled into him. There was too much cuteness right now at our table. "I'm going to head to class first" I smiled getting up from the bench and waving at the guys.


After the classes were over and the additional 2 hours of study time that students were obliged to take on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Me and the boys decided to hang out at my house. And after leaning against the train walls and being smudged against Ten for half an hour we finally made it off the train and headed towards my house.

"Taeil-hyung, I think you should sign up for it. Who knows you could get picked" I shrugged at his suggestion. "There's no way in hell" I groaned as we made it to my house and I unlocked the door. "Moon Taeil you better stop using that language in my house mister!" My mother yelled from some where in the house. Everyone started oohing, I rolled my eyes at them. "Yes, mother! Also my friends are over we'll be in my room" I yelled back at her.

"What are y'all even talking about?" Jeno asked plopping down tiredly on the floor at the base of my bed. "School Attack" Kun replied sitting down on my bed and pulling Hansol into his lap.

"Oh you should totally sign up for that, hyung" Jaemin snickered sitting down next to Jeno. I groaned. "Why should I? Why don't you do it or you do it?" I said pointing at Kun and Jaemin.

"Because if our school does get picked they always say the person's name who signed their school up and gets cool stuff" Kun said nonchalantly. "Then you could go onstage with the group or whoever and show them your gay power" Ten continued and pumped his fist in the air at the last word.

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