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Taeil's Pov

"Scoot over, grandpa!" Ten yelled from beside me. He grabbed the blanket from my grasp and pulled it towards himself. "No can do, shorty" I mumbled tiredly taking the blanket back and pulled it towards myself, Ten whined in my ear mumbling things that I was too tired to hear. Ten gave up and curled into his sheets, I smiled in victory and smushed my face back into his fluffy pillows.

"Now I can't go to sleep because It's too cold" Ten whined like a baby next to me on the bed. I felt a little bad for the younger boy but not too bad to give up the comfortableness I was feeling at this moment. "Sad. Now let me sleep you dimwit" I groaned smacking my lips together. "I hope you contract syphilis" Ten moaned pushing me off the queen sized bed with the kick of his tiny foot. I landed on the floor with a loud 'oof' sound. "Your so petty, I hope you get aids" I sat up on my butt rubbing the part that I fell on. "No you" Ten grunted moving into the center of the bed and spread his limbs over the bed sloppily.

The door creaked over and I looked at it to see Ten's mom staring at us with a concerned look."Is everything alright boys? I heard a loud sound" Ten faked a snore and she sighed heavily closing the door, I heard her muttering something as she walked away from the door. "What time is it?" I asked mainly myself. I looked over towards his alarm clock and saw it was about five in the morning. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and got up from the floor. After getting pushed off the bed and ruining my perfect position I was in I decided I couldn't go back to sleep. I went over towards the bed and nudged Ten off his own bed. "Is this how you treat your host?" He asked face still planted on his white carpet. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way towards his closet.

Since I stay over a lot I already had a spare uniform here already. "Just get up. We would have to in a hour anyway" I yawned taking my uniform out of his closet and heading towards the bathroom in the hallway. After getting dressed, washing my face, brushing my teeth, and styling my hair I left the bathroom and went into the main living air.

"Hello, Taeil. You are up early this morning" I nodded my head and mumbled a good morning towards her before going to the kitchen and poring myself a cup of coffee. Ten's house was like my second home. And Ms. Leechaiyapornkyul treated me like her third son. I sat next to her at the small round dinner table and sipped at my coffee. "Nice talking, Taeil-ah. and make sure Ten gets up I have to go to work now" She smiled at me and ruffled my perfectly styled hair. I nodded my head "Have a nice day Ms. Lee" She told me to call her for short since I still couldn't get the pronunciation right. "You too" and with that she left out of the door. After hearing her car start and rumble out of the drive way I got up and smoothed out my hair. I walked towards Ten's room and creaked the door open to see Ten still on the floor knocked out. I chuckled at him and went over nudging him in his shoulder. "Wake up, Rainbow" He grumbled smacking his lips together. "No, stop teasing me Yongie" He whined his sleep squirming a bit. My eyes whined and I pushed him hard. "Wake up, fatass!" I yelled in his ear. He jumped up almost knocking me over in my crouched position. "WHAT WHAT!" He yelled looking around his room before relaxing and falling back onto the floor.

"You have twenty minutes before we have to catch the bus" I whispered getting up and leaving his room with a small smirk on my face.

After Ten finished getting ready we headed out the door to the bus stop. "So.. who were you dreaming about?" I asked trying to hide my smirk by biting the inside of my cheek. "I don't know what you are talking about" He said batting his eyelashes innocently. But he couldn't hide the blush that had crept onto his ears. I laughed pinching his ears. "Oh really? Then why are your ears red then hmm?" He shrugged his shoulders smacking my hand away from his blotchy pink ears. "It's cold" He answered simply and tilted his head upwards like those posh Sims. My phone pinged from my pocket but I decided I was too lazy to check my messages since it was probably fatkun asking me where the hell I was. Then it pinged again and I started to get annoyed.

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