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Johnny's Pov

I stared at the TV screen in front of me in astonishment. My mouth wide open as Haechan pranced around the school's track field like a ballerina, whilst Jungwoo did flips and cart wheels. It was one of their missions that they had to do, It more looked like they were having fun to me. Why couldn't I get that kinda mission? Instead I get a heart attack and an image of a boy circulating around my mind.

One of the MCs Ji won-hyung couldn't control his laughter at the two anymore and threw his head back in laughter, which started a train of reactions from everyone else including myself. I don't know how they weren't caught yet, possibly because this was an all boy's school and the students were used to it maybe. Back in America kids would always do stupid things like that so it made me think back to my home town and all my memories I had when I lived there.

"Alright boys, I think it's about time for the students to go on break. So start to head back while Taeyong and Doyoung-sh head to the media room." Dong woon said into the speaker so Haechan and Jungwoo could hear him. On the screen Haechan held up and okay sign and turned to look at Jungwoo who was face planted on the ground panting lightly out of exaction. Haechan walked over to the older boy and picked him up and they started heading back towards us.

Doyoung and Taeyong came back into the room with a smile on both of their faces. They were both in full black like I was earlier. "Good luck!" I cheered grasping at Doyoung's shoulder. He gave me a look as if saying 'I don't need luck', and exited out the room with Taeyong prodding behind him on their way towards the media room. A little while later Haechan and Jungwoo came into the room. Jungwoo was back to his normal state while Haechan looked like he wanted to go back out their and dance around some more. I don't blame the kid, as the oldest in the group I feel the restrictions of having fun sometimes.

There was a ding from overhead before a static sound and then the voice of Doyoung trying to sound as if he were older coming onto the intercom. Nice they made it there safely. I thought taking my cap off and running my hand through my newly dyed blue hair. It was a complete change from what I was used to if I'm being honest, I think Jaehyun would agree with me along with everyone else with that matter except maybe Haechan and Doyoung. I thought that this comeback they'd give me like dark brown or something so I slept through the dyeing but when I awoken and looked in the mirror, shock was beyond my expression. I kinda like it though I just have to get used to it.

Doyoung had cleared his throat and started talking. "For fourth years through second years, after said break please head down to the annex for an important meeting. There will be an discussion so please don't bring any of your belongings. That will be all, have a great rest of the day" I smiled, Doyoung was always good at speaking in frantic situations. It was good that he didn't let Taeyong speak because he'd probably start panicking after the first part of the speech. It never seemed like he was panicking but you could always tell from the uneasiness from his scruffy voice.

The camera director held his hand out before closing it slowly signalling that they were going to stop recording for right now. The mangers had came into the room now and ushered the seven of us excluding Taeyong and Doyoung of course to start changing into our performance clothes. This time we wore something simple since we were going to be preforming Regular instead of our new comeback song since it wasn't fully out yet and SM didn't want the fans to have anything but our hair colors yet.

After everyone was dressed and our hairstyles were prepped we got ushered toward the stage. The cameras started rolling again and I winked at one of the camera and waved at it before heading out towards the stage. The curtains were drawn and there where slight whispers from behind it, most likely the students being confused of the hole ordeal. Someone's foot was tapping against the floor before a woman started to speak up and introduce us. I couldn't really hear since I had my ear piece in but by the gasps and some flickers off the wall, I could tell that the school attack banners were shooting down from they're position and a lot of low howls started from behind the curtain.

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