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Taeil's Pov

I pulled away from the kiss slightly as he sat our foreheads together, slowly catching our breaths back. His lips had ghosted over mine before he finally pulled away and held onto my hands, His hands were soft and warm which was surprising for one since Johnny was a dancer and dancers usually had ruff palms and secondly because this bathroom was so cold. I shivered under his gaze, the way he looked at me making me blush even a harder auburn color.

I bit down on my bottom lip gently and brought my fingers up to my lips as the kiss flashed back into my mind, reliving the experience. "Wow- um I mean-" Johnny stuttered out. He was a cute stuttering mess in front of me I wanted so badly to kiss him again but like all good things, they come to an end.

"Sorry guys this dude really has to shit and I almost beat his ass. We gotta get outta here before he calls the cops" Ten yelled when he opened the bathroom door and peered at us. I blushed harder realizing we were still holding hands and Ten had clearly seen us. I pulled my hands away from the older male, smiled at him and then made a bee line for Ten rushing him out the bathroom and towards the exit.

Ten didn't say anything until we were halfway down the block and he abruptly stopped me on the sidewalk. "Taeil where the fuck is Kun and why are you dragging me down the street" Ten huffed glaring at me. I didn't say nothing and looked at my shoes. "And don't think I forgot about you and mr. handsome holding hands I wanna know all bout it" He squealed. Oh no, his gay was showing.

"Hey guys. I'm fine you know. I wasn't kidnapped or nothing" Kun's voice spoke up from behind us and Ten laughed loudly. "Oh Kun, baby we didn't forget about you" He walked over to Kun and wrapped his lanky arms around the older guy and pecked his cheek. I laughed equally as loudly seeing Kun's face twist into a disgusted expression and pushed Ten away from him.

"Kun you wont believe what I saw in the bathroom" Ten gasped throwing his arm around Kun's shoulder. "I think there's something that Taeil hasn't been telling us" Ten smirked and I hissed internally. Goddammit I was in deep shit. I tried hard to think up an excuse to why I was holding hands with the pop star but every time I thought of something my mind would think back to the kiss, his soft lips upon mine. His chapped lips and the sweet vanilla aroma that came from the older male. I blushed just thinking about it.

Ten seeing this started wooping like a mad man. "See I knew some shit went down. Spill!" I groaned and turned away from the two. I couldn't just tell them I kissed a world renowned idol could I? No. Damnit what am I supposed to say now.

"Nothing happened" I rolled my eyes. Please- please lying ability please help me know.

"I just told him I was a really big fan is all. He said he had recognized me from the show and I guess since he's really good at fan service and all he grabbed my hand while we were chatting. Jeez is relationships all you think about Ten?" I hope that sounded legit since it just came from the top of my head.

Ten's face dropped and he frowned "Oh. Well lucky you. You got to hold your bias' hand" He went back to smiling and knuged me in the shoulder. Kun rolled his eyes at the both of us. Me pushing Ten's arm off of my shoulder and Ten putting it back up as we walked.

"Can you call your sister to pick us up? My feet hurt." Kun groaned walking past us to sit down at a kiosk. "Damn y'all be so lazy" Although I still pulled out my phone and called up my gay ass sister.

"What do you want? I'm studying" by the sound of it on the other line it didn't sound like she was studying at all.

"Can you pick me and the boys up? We're on 23rd street" the other line went silent for a moment until Wheein spoke up. "Sorry boys but we have a exam coming up so were a little busy right now" Of course Byul gives the phone to Wheein since she can't lie at all. I groaned.

"Alright, bye Wheein-noona" the line went dead and I went to go sit down at where the other two were at.

"Their" I put my fingers up in air quotes "studying" Ten bursted out laughing. Kun looked around and put his hand over the youngers mouth.

We sat there stranded for a couple hours until we got tired and got up from the kiosk.

"I'm bored" Ten whined shaking his shoulders back and fourth. I glanced at him for a second and shrugged my shoulders. "When are you not, phon?"

"Lets go to the mall or something. Do something crazy so I can post it on my snapchat story"

"You have a snapchat?" I asked. When did any of us get a snapchat? "You right, bro. I dont have a snapchat. I just wanted to sound relatable." Ten pouted and I squished his cheeks. Kun tsked at us and checked his phone for the time. "Well sorry guys I have to go. I have to make dinner tonight" He sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Tell Chenle baby I said Hi" I yelled as Kun walked away. He nodded his head and waved at us.

"So now that the old man is gone. How about you tell me the truth about what happened in the bathroom, huh?" I glared at him and looked away. "I told you the truth"

"Mhm yeah right. I'll know sooner or later though. Ten knows everything."


I have nun to say today ohp
Basically a filler chapter tho

I have nun to say today ohp Basically a filler chapter tho

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