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Taeil's Pov

I woke up the next morning confused as to where I was. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around the room noticing the similarities of my own room. I glanced down at my sheets and then the fan that was blasting in my face.

"Why am I so dumb when I wake up?" I groaned to myself and threw my thick blanket off of me and got out of bed, still rubbing the nasty goopy shit out of the corner of my eyes when I slipped on my house slippers and headed out the door.

"How did you sleep, sweetie?" My mom asked with a creepily sweet haste to her voice. "Good" I smiled at her and rushed to the kitchen as I feel her eyes on my back. I need to go back to my room before she attacks me with more questions.

After I got off the phone yesterday she literally unlocked my door and threw it open like a psychopath. I was laying down on my bed confused of the whole situation. I didn't even know there was a key for my door. Then she smiled at me which kinda creeped me out, and started blasting me with questions about her beloved Jiwon.

Today is gonna be different. I'm not staying home to deal with that again, it was more stressful than all of my exams combined.

"So honey-"

"Sorry mom can't talk I have to go down to tvN today." I spoke calmly putting and emphasis on today.

"Okay... what time will you be back?" She asked it sounded a little sad though.

"I think i'm going to Kun's after so maybe a little after nine" she slightly nodded her head. "My baby boy is growing up. He's on television meeting famous people. Soon enough he's not going to need me anymore" My mom wheeped silently wiping away her mother tears that were gathering in the corners of her eyes.

I frowned and walked towards her. "I'm always gonna be your little boy ma, I will always need you because I love you" She pierced her lips and hugged me tightly.

"So if you love me tell me more about Jiwon, what did he smell like or the-"

"Mom!! Why would I know how he smells? I don't go smelling old people"

"Old? Am I old then?" She grimaced and pinched my nose. "Ow, ow" I pouted and she let go of my nose. "Fine hurry up and get ready. I'll drop you off at tvN." I rubbed my nose and nodded my head "Yes, dear mother"

I quick stepped my way towards my bedroom already forgetting about the bowl of cereal I was gonna make. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 9:23, that's enough time. I dialed up Kun's number.

"Wassap, chicken stick?" I heard Kun's voice from the other end.

"You wanna come with me to tvN?" I asked sitting down on my bed.

"Ugh, fine just for you babes" he groaned into my ear making me glare at my screen.

"What do you mean just for me, hoe!?"

"Like I said. Now I gotta go babes. Love you."

The line went dead and I sighed. He's like one of those snobby pretentious white girls that live in America. Sometimes I ask myself how we even became friends. Putting the phone down I got up off the bed and did my daily routine.

Shower, find clothes, put on those clothes, brush my teeth, wash my face, style hair, get dragged out the house by Kun, and so on.

I struggled as Kun pulled me out of my house. I tried telling him that my mom would drive us but he continued to insist that we would take the train like normal teenagers who didn't have cars.

I groaned as he continued to talk off my ear. He was just making us take the train because he wanted to talk about him and Hansol's activities and it would be embarrassing if he talked about it infront of my mom. My mom wouldn't care she'd start talking with Kun about how their relationship was going because she's that much of a fangirl mother.

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