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Taeil's POV

Ten and I were just walking down the street aimlessly, since we had spent most of our money on stupid over priced movie theater tickets. Ten stopped beside me making me look up from the concrete path. "Taeil?" He asked softly, looking into my eyes. The genuine look in his eyes hinting at his seriousness.

"Yeah?" I responded wondering what Ten was about to say to me. "Have you ever been in love?" He asked a sad tint to his eyelids that grew heavy. I thought about it for a second, one time in second grade I really thought I liked this girl but it turned out I was only envious of her because of her pink shiny slippers she wore. And then there was Johnny Suh, was I in love with him or the idea of being in love with him. After the kiss we shared today and the emotion that leaked through it I did believe that I loved him,, well liked him in the least. Johnny did things to my heart that none of my past crushes had.

I'm no longer a stupid teenager anymore I'm a adult. Heading to University in a couple of months, the weight of my future heavy on my shoulders. Johnny was older than me, he has already spent his time in his early adult like when it was only my first year as a adult. The kiss that we had shared was a spur of the moment since Johnny apologized immediately after. Maybe this whole ordeal was a fling for Johnny. I am quite dramatic but Johnny was famous, I was a high schooler who really had no plan for life except for the fact that I loved to sing.

"Well?" Ten asked, his head was down and he was tapping his toes impatiently. "Maybe? That's a really heard question to answer, Ten. What is love anyway?" I shrugged patting the younger's back and taking his hand into mine. "Everything's alright, phonie?" I asked rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.

"This might sound crazy,,, but I've never been in a relationship. That's weird right since I always talk about fucking other dudes, but I'm a virgin you know. I've never even had my first kiss. I just want to experience the feeling you know. I'm already eighteen years old and I have never felt love." He shrugged sadly. I brought my other hand to his back and rubbed it soothingly.

"Any guy would be lucky to have you, Chittaphon. You're the brightest person I've ever had the gift of being friends with." I whispered pressing my palm into his back to pull him closer to hug him. "Yeah, bitches are lucky to even be in my presence." He passed making me snort at him. "I think I'm the luckiest of them all." I chuckled patting his head.

Ten giggled leaning up to peck my cheek making me grimace. "Love you, chitta bunny."

"Love you too, moonie bear."


We ended up going back to my house, Ten decided to stay over so we could cuddle in my bed. I held Ten in my arms comforting the younger male. I wondered what happened to him that made him think that way. A ping from my phone cut me out of my thoughts. I unwrapped one of my arms from around Ten and picked my phone up.

Sorry for the late text

You're probably sleeping right now, but I hope you got home safely.

I should be saying the same to you :<

Yeah I got home safely, thank you

I'm glad

What are you doing right now since you're still up?

My friend was having a hard time so I'm cuddling him atm lol

I hope they feel better

You're a good friend

Yeah '^'

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