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Taeil's Pov

"I hope you all enjoyed this wonderful experience that Mr. Moon here granted us. You may all leave now. Don't forget to do your homework and study for exams! Remember this is your last chance before going off to university." I groaned as Miss Lee kept going on and on about how this was our last year... how we couldn't slack off blah blah blah, I just wanted to go home and brag to my mom that I had met my idol and hers right now.

She had said we could leave but she wouldn't stop talking. I looked over to Hansol he was looking down at his tidy nails unimpressed with Miss Lee's rambling. "Miss Lee?" The class president Lim Sejun spoke up interrupting her long speech now about 'how she could see big things from all of us'. "May I leave? I have to go to my part-time and I'm going to be late" She frowned at Sejun and sighed looking up at the wall clock. "You may go but-" I was already out the door when she uttered those words, I had my stuff packed and ready with Hansol slugging tiredly behind me.

"What took you two so long?" Jaemin asked tapping his foot on the ground. "My brother is waiting for us. He'll take us home today" Jaemin huffed slamming his locker door shut. Ten grinned from next to him. "Don't even try flirting with my brother, you know he has a boyfriend already" Jaemin huffed, Jeno smiled at his boyfriend and laced their fingers together. "ah young love" I teared up pressing my hand against my heart.

"Yeah, just like how Johnny was checking you out earlier" Ten giggled mischievously in my ear.

"He did not! Stop not telling the truth!"

"Gosh, your such a baby. You can't even say lie." Ten laughed 

"My mom told me not to say it!" I yelled trying to catch up with the couple and Ten. "And I'm the youngest here" Jaemin shook his head at me making me pout.

"What took y'all so long?" Jaemin's older brother Baekhyun groaned from the passenger seat. His big elf eared boyfriend in the driver seat shooting him a quick glance before looking back at us and smiling. I bowed my head a tiny bit and got in the back seat along with Ten, Jaemin, and Jeno. "Where did Hansol go? I thought he was behind you." Jeno yawned cupping his mouth with his right hand.

"Probably to where ever people go to fuck" I shrugged putting on my seatbelt. "Ooi, who's he gonna fuck?" Baekhyun said from the passenger seat. "Oh is it that cute Chinese kid? They'd make a cute couple. Don't you think Yeol? I can totally see them adopting three kids and moving to Paris. Is that just me? Maybe that's just me. What do you think Yeol? They'd get two dogs too, yeah and-" "Baek, please baby I'm trying to drive and your making my head spin" Chanyeol spoke with that deep voice of his. I could literally see Baekhyun and Ten shiver at just his first word.

"I'm sorry Yeol, You know I just ramble too much. I don't even know why It just comes to me. Like do you ever think, What if we didn't call toast, toast instead we called it microwave because we put it in the microwave instead. Wait wouldn't you call that it if you microwave the bread so it would be Toast in the microwave and Microwave in the toaster. What is-" 

"I think I'm going to get sick" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. "Baek just listen to the music, huh" Chanyeol chirped turning up whatever was on the radio louder. Baekhyun hummed in satisfaction and hummed the tune of the song. Chanyeol dropped me off at my house first. I got out the car and waved at everyone "I'll see you all on Monday" I smiled and headed inside. "Fapp off to your man hyung!" I heard Ten yell as I closed the door. I rolled my eyes and took my shoes off. "Did anything happen today, hun?" My mom said from the kitchen.

I smirked at her and went into the kitchen. "You won't believe who I met today." my mom turned towards me and raised her eyebrows. "Did you meet Song Joongki?" 

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