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Taeil's Pov

It was a Friday morning and I had just came back from lunch. Nothing had really happened yesterday, me and Jaemin hung out since Jeno had to work or something. But all we did was do homework and have small chat until he had left.

I clicked my pen annoyingly watching my teacher at the moment write some pointless formulas on the board. To be honest I didn't even know what class i was in right now. Since I stay in the same classroom all day besides gym and lunch I don't take light to what which teacher is teaching. But since Miss. Lee is teaching right now I must be in Science right now.

I can't really care less what was on the board. I looked around the room taking the pen to my mouth and chewing on the end of it. It was about 11:30 meaning school gets out in a couple hours or so but the thing is. I want to leave right now. Whats the point none of this stuff is going to be on a test anyway.

"Mr. Moon, are you feeling okay?" Miss. Lee asked raising an eyebrow at me. I skimmed my eyes towards her direction and frowned. "No, I think i'm sick" I lied rubbing my stomach. "You look kinda pale. Do you want to go to the nurse?" I nodded my head and got up from my seat, taking the notebook off my desk and my bag that was wrapped around my chair I hurried towards the door. This is my chance out I'm going to take it. I looked back and Hansol straight up rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. I stuck my tongue out at him and flicked him off before leaving the room.

I wasn't sick at all. I don't know what the teacher was talking about but its not my problem anymore. And because I wasn't sick I didn't head to the nurses office, instead I head towards the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom and sat down on one of the ironically placed seats that where in here for some reason. I scrolled through my phone and rolled my eyes when there hasn't been an update for Nct127's comeback yet. Like why is SM doing this to us I just wanna know what hair color Mark has now gosh.

I know I might obsess about Mark a lot but my bias is actually Johnny. My man mans Johnny Seo, Seo Youngho, Johnny D, Oh Daddy, Parrot. All the names. But I haven't seen an update from him in awhile no Johntography or nothing so I had to take what I can get and right now that's Mark and a little Haechan in the back. I got a little scared seeing that he hasn't updated in awhile. What if something had happened to him? What if he's not going to be in the comeback? I'd think I'd cry.

I sighed deeply propping my legs up onto the cushion and hugged my legs tightly with my arms while I scrolled though some boring news on my phone. Why is everything so boring today? Literally nothing good is on SnS and YouTube. I might as well go to sleep when I get home. I huffed and ran my hand through my hair, feeling the dry strands touch my hands. The last time I had dyed my hair was a little bit ago, It was dark brown but now it was the color of copper. I actually quite like the color but I knew it wasn't going to last long and I would have to dye it again. Staying pretty is such a hassle I swear.

The door of the bathroom had creaked open and a tall man in all black had came into the room but upon seeing me he quickly left. How weird, do I stink or something. I asked myself bringing my shirt up to my nose sniffing it. No, maybe it's the bathroom. I shrugged and looked at the time. It was about time to head back or Miss. Lee would start to become suspicious since she didn't get a call from the nurse saying I was heading home.

I picked my bag from off the ground and plugged my earphones in. The man from earlier dressed in all black was whistling towards a white wall while scratching the back of his head where his shaved hair had peaked from under his black cap. I looked at him suspiciously raising my left eyebrow at him. Whoever this dude was isn't a very good actor. The man looked at me and bowed his head. I smiled at him and bowed my head back at him before continuing my way to my same boring class. Whoever he is, isn't my problem right now. If I get busted for faking sick I'd get yelled at by my mom and that's not a good thing. She would look at me and shake her head disappointingly then she'd leave the room without saying anything. That's scary even if i'm 19.

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