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(Forget Mark in the top picture^ this the only picture I could find with Ten, Kun, and Taeil)

Johnny's Pov

'Why did I do that? Am I dumb? When did I get this dumb? Aish' I sighed and rubbed my temples. Right now I was on my way to a meeting with some of the members and as we walked I was thinking to myself as to why I sent that dude my number. 'What if my number gets leaked? I'm going to get in so much trouble. I can see it now, Johnny Oldest Member Of Popular Group NCT 127 Gives His Number to A fan!!" I fluffed out my hair and slouched a bit as I walked.

Once we got to the meeting hall we entered and sat down all next to each other. "So the early promotion is going good at the moment. The episode of School Attack should be out pretty soon and we should have some great feedback from that episode considering you didn't preform the new comeback song." One of the managers started but I couldn't careless anymore. I was worrying for my own behind. Call me selfish but I didn't just train for 10 years just for the fourth year of my career to get in a scandal and get kicked out of the group. I highly worried at the moment.

My phone buzzed in my front pocket making the manager that was talking glare at me. "Johnny phone on silent or I will be taking it" I sighed this dude really think he about to take my phone? I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out of my pocket to put it on mute. What I saw when I opened it made me shocked.

uknown number


While I just stared at the text unsure, Taeyong tapped my shoulder and shook his head. Right,not the right moment. I put my phone on silent and put it back into my pocket. 'God when did it get so hot in here?' I fanned myself and tried to focus and whatever the manager was trying to tell us.


Taeil's Pov

"I'm dumb why did I message him? Its not like he's going to respond." I slide my phone at the bottom of my bed and stuffed my head into my pillow. "Someone's shy ooooh." Kun smirked and went for my phone to see who I was texting. 'Damnit I forgot his ass was here." I jumped up and volleyed myself towards my phone. But it was too late, he was already scrolling through my phone. 

"You fucking noisy ass bitch." Kun rolled his eyes at me. "I don't see nothing anyway. All you sent was a hi. Who the fuck you text?" I snatched my precious phone from him and shrugged. "You'll never know and who cares I wont get a response anyway." I fell back onto my soft mattress and looked at the ceiling. 

"Okay dramatic ass bitch."

"Shut up! Aren't you supposed to be I don't know sucking faces with Hansol right now? Leave me alone chicken little." He gasped and went for his hair. "I do not look like chicken little. You obese squid." I scrunched my nose and glared at him. "I will beat your ass Kun don't come for me."

"Alright you fucking shrimp head ass sub." I rolled my eyes and flipped over onto my stomach ignoring him completely. 


"Boys! Ten's here!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I grumbled and hid my face into my pillow. "Why are these hoes always coming to my house bro." "I heard that you fucker!" Kun yelled smacking me hard onto my back. "Owe what the freak!" I tried rubbing my back but my arms were to short making me frown. "That hurt kunnie" 

"Shut up you big baby" Kun rolled his eyes and rubbed my back. "So y 'all were not going to come and great me smh." Ten huffed and jumped up on the side of the bed next to Kun.

"Why are you here?" I whined flicking Kun's hand from my back and I flipped myself onto my back. "Kun texted me and told me to get my ass over here" I looked at Kun and glared at him. 

"What?" He hissed at me shrugging his shoulders. "Did you not miss me baby boy?" Ten frowned and wrapped his arms around my stiffened body. "No now leave me alone" I sighed and let him hug me as I just sat there.


I jumped up, almost falling off the bed but luckily Ten had caught me. "What the fuck is wrong with you chico?"

"Ten! Language!" Ten sighed and smacked himself in the mouth. He looked at the door and shouted "Sorry Mrs. Moon!" Then he looked back at me worried. "Huh what?" I pushed him off of me and grabbed my phone from under my pillow. Ten looked over at Kun and mouthed 'What's wrong with him today?' Kun shrugged and pulled out his own phone.



"AHHHH!" I threw my phone down, got up from my bed and sprinted out my room. 

Ten still confused picked up the phone and looked at what I just freaked out about. "Something is really wrong with this dude." Ten shook his head.


who is this?


lmao you texted me first but I know who you are.

"This person is so creepy bro" Ten scrunched his nose and pierced his lips together. 


sorry this is his friend. he kinda freaked out and left the room so im taking over for his right now.


ohhh umm

"TEN PUT MY MOTHER FREAKING PHONE DOWN!" I yelled and ran over to him and snatched my phone from him. "Gosh I'm lowkey concerned for you today Taeil." I looked at Ten and smiled at him. "Sorry bebe love ya." I made a finger heart and showed it to him. Ten rolled his eyes at me and rolled over by Kun. I looked over the texts and sighed.


sorry im back now.


This is Taeil right? Just making sure 'v' 


yes indeed


oh you really texted me. im quite surprised :p

"Taeil! Ten! Kun! Come and Eat!" I frowned and looked at my phone.


sorry I have to go eat. talk to you later!


enjoy your food!


I forgot how to do funny texts don't mind them cuz they dumb

but look a update

what has it been? Like 4 months lmao

what has it been? Like 4 months lmao

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