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After the two had announced that they were dating to their friends the others were undoubtedly shocked at the news. Ten on the other hand had smirked and gave Taeil a thumbs up, while Kun was looking at Taeil and Sehun in surprise.

The first couple of weeks into their relationship were just like the days before they started dating. Taeil being stressed about his classes and Sehun cuddling him into calmness. Although the two had already confessed to each other that they indeed had no feelings for each other. The comfort they gave each other was more than enough. And although the two had no clue how long it would last they felt grateful that they could finally lend onto another shoulder.

At the moment Taeil was sat down on Sehun's lap at Sehun's friends house. Taeil had also learned to like Sehun's friends, they were really cool people just like Sehun. One thing his friend group and Sehun's did not share.

Sehun's arms were wrapped around Taeil's stomach with a controller in both hands. Taeil silently watched Sehun and his friends Jongin, and Wonshik or better known as Ravi play their games. Taeil never played video games himself but the skills that the three had were quite fascinating.

"Damnit" Sehun groaned plopping the controller down onto Taeil's lap. He sighed heavily shoving his face into the crook of Taeil's neck while Ravi laughed at Sehun's sadness. Ravi and Jongin high fived, because apparently they finally beat Sehun. Taeil giggled and patted Sehun's fluffy brown hair.

"Don't be sad pretty boy, at least you have Taeil to cheer you up." Jongin laughed setting down his controller on the couch cushion.

"Anyways do y'all want something to drink? I have beers or-" he squinted at his refrigerator "tea?" Ravi shrugged telling him to get whatever while Sehun and Taeil point blank asked for a beer.

"Oh did you hear?" Ravi asked although not clear about who he was talking about. "What?" Sehun asked taking a swig of his ice cold beer.

"Then you haven't heard." Ravi chuckled and looked expectantly at Taeil for some reason. Taeil looked at the other boy obvious onto what he was going to say.

"Just spit it out. I'm getting a headache because of you." Sehun groaned, Jongin and Wonshik laughed at Sehun again without saying anything. "Nevermind then. You'll know when you know." Wonshik said mischievously.

"Ugh, are you ready to go babe? I dont think I can handle these idiots anymore." Taeil nodded his head and stood up from Sehun's lap, also setting the beer down on the coffee table. "It was nice seeing you two again." Taeil smiled which the two couldn't help but cooe at.

"When he finds out let him down easily, Taeil." The two laughed while Taeil looked at them weirdly. "Um okay." Sehun groaned again and took Taeil by his hand to leave Jongin and Ravi's shared apartment.

"Did you know what the hell they were talking about?" Sehun asked once they were back at their dorm and they were laying down in their separate beds.

"No clue."

What Taeil and Sehun didn't know was that Jongin's and Ravi's little secret would be coming out sooner or later.

A couple days later Taeil was over at Ten and Kun's dorm studying. Classes were getting overwhelming for some reason and he needed a little break. So his Chinese friend grabbed his binders and books and threw them onto the floor.

"Oh my god, Kun do you know how much them books cost?!" Taeil screamed picking the books back up and patting them like a puppy.

"I'm bored we should go get something to eat." Ten's head sparked up from under his pillow at the mention of food. "Hell yeah! I'm hungry." Taeil side eyed him and chuckled. "When are you not, phon. Anyways I could use a break, what are you thinking about?" Taeil asked looking at his younger friend.

"Maybe some bulgogi? I'm in the mood for something hot." Ten said kicking his feet in the air while Kun groaned. "Well I'm not paying for it." Kun huffed just thinking about the spicy food. Ten frowned and looked at his oldest friend.

"Ugh, fine I'll pay." Taeil groaned and after shooting a quick text to Sehun the three went off to eat.

"I'm famished" Ten said licking his lips and patting his bloated belly. Kun laughed trying not to spit out some of the rice that was shoved into his mouth.

"How did you eat that fast?" Taeil asked eyes widening. Even he wasn't half way done with the barbecued pork and beef.

"What can I say, I love food." He said picking out the food in his teeth with his pinky nail. The other two grimacing as they stared at him. "Are you going to finish that?" He asked Kun who was picking at the spicy beef and pork, Kun rolled his eyes and slide his plate over towards the younger.

"Thanks papi."

"Anyways how are you and Sehun doing?" Kun asked taking a sip of his coca cola. Taeil shrugged his shoulder and sighed. Lately Sehun had been on edge lately and Taeil had no clue why. Maybe he finally found out what his friends were hinting at. And since Taeil had been busy lately with school work the two didn't have much time to spend together besides texting.

"I guess we're fine." He shrugged again and took a sip of his water.

"Oh guys did I tell you that I met this guy? He's so dreamy and cute." Ten said placing his hand on his heart. The two other boys looked at him unexpectedly. "Who is he?" Taeil asked looking at they're younger friend. "That's confidential, you'll find out when you find out." Taeil groaned not this cryptic shit again.

"What is going on with everybody?" Taeil shouts accidentally. "First it's Sehun's friends, then it Sehun himself, and now it's you Ten? Stop with the cryptic shit and just tell me already." Taeil huffed tiredly. Ten looked at him in shock. "Is everything fine with you and Sehun?" Ten asked setting his hand down ontop of Taeil. "I dont know, neither do I care to be quite frank. Sorry for the out burst I guess I'm stressed." Kun cooed and set his hand down on Taeil's other hand.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, beanie." Taeil shrugged again and drunk the rest of his water. "Are y'all done? I'm ready to go home and sleep." The other two nodded and they all stood up. Ten and Kun waiting at the door for Taeil as the oldest paid.

"Oh shit is that who I think it is." Kun gasped seeing two guys walk closer to them. Ten blushed and nodded his head. "I don't think Taeil will be happy about this." Ten whispered to Kun although he was looking at the shorter out of the two.

"Taeil won't be happy about what?" Taeil asked coming from behind the two and pocketing his left over change. Ten and Kun squieked and turned around to look at Taeil.

"I think we should go to the other exit." Ten rushed turning the older around and pushing him to the other exit. Taeil rubbed his temples and groaned what's going on with these two now.

"Oh hey Ten!" A person from behind then yelled and out of the corner of Taeil's eye he could see someone waving. Taeil shoved his two friends and finally turned around to see what was going on.

And who he saw made him flush red, and thoughts that he hadn't conjured in a while to come back and bite him.

There he was in the flesh looking down at Taeil in surprise but also a little sadness.

Johnny, Johnny Seo.
The man that broke his heart.


And there it is a chapter after like 4 months. Oof
I was in the Johnil mood so why not :D

 Oof I was in the Johnil mood so why not :D

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