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Taeil's Pov

After Nct127 preformed Regular most of the students decided to sit down while some of the students in the back still stood. My eyes traveled to Johnny, they were now in a single file line on the stage Johnny being farthest to away from the mc which is unusual because Johnny is always next to the mc. He was whipping sweat off of his forehead which made him look like a glazed krispy kream donut. 

I turned to Ten who was fanning himself with his hand. "See I told you we could get picked" Jaemin said snuggling into Jeno's lap since it was so crowded in the room. I'm pretty sure some first years got in but I wouldn't blame them. We all turned our attention towards the two mc's, Ji won from SechsKies my mom's favorite group. She would die when I told her I met the leader of SechsKies today. And Dong woon from Highlight or back in the day Beast. I freaking love their songs 12:30 has to be my favorite song. (A/N that's my fav song from them you should check it out

"Your school is under attack today by SCHOOL ATTACK!" Ji won said whilst they both yelled School Attack together. "I would like to thank you for inviting us to your school. We don't get a lot of all boy school requests so we saw it as opportunity to change." Dong won smiled making all the boys cheer again. "Now let's give a big hand for Nct127 for joining us today!" He shouted, we all clapped and banged on the floor. I looked towards the center to see Taeyong and he looked a little flustered seeing us all cheer for them which made me chuckle a bit. Taeyong's hands came around from his back and brought the mic to his mouth. "1.2.3... To the world! We are Nct! Hello we are Nct127!" They all said together doing the little chest pound out thing and then bowing. 

"Congratulations on succeeding school attack. There were small cautions but you all got through it." everyone clapped again seeing Taeyong pass Jaehyun the mic, what could I say Jaehyun is everyone's first love. He wasn't born on Valentine's day for no reason.

"Yes, we were all so nervous. But thanks to the school and it's great atmosphere we were able to get through with it." He said giving a shy dimpled smile, I heard Kun yell "You're so cute!" which made Hansol smack him in the back of the head lightly. I chuckled seeing as Jaehyun ears started turning a light pink.

Mark had nodded his head and waved at everyone in the crowd making more guys drop like flies. "Many Schools have applied to the show but out of all the shows one person in this school was lucky enough to get picked" Ji won said making everyone turn their heads looking for the person who applied our school for the show, well everyone except my friend group. I smiled victourisly high fiving Ten and Jaemin. 

"The lucky student to win over the many schools is.." It had all became silent as we awaited for the news. "Fourth year Moon Taeil?!" Everyone looked towards me and I couldn't help that a small blush crept onto my neck. I raised my hand in a hurry saying "me" The mc's stared at me pointing at me with their script cards. "Moon Taeil, please come up onto the stage!" Ji won said through the mic. Since I was sitting down for so long on my knees, when I got up I stumbled a little. Fortunately Hansol saved me from falling while Kun smacked me on my butt as congratulations. Whilst the whole time I was walking onto the stage and everyone was clapping and howling I was praying Please don't let them air me falling. 

I got up onto the stage and made my way towards the two mc's. When I passed Johnny I could swear his hand brushed against my hip almost making me squeal in surprise. I stood next to the fluffy Haechan, man i'm older than him and he's still taller then me. I tried to not let my emotions show as Dong woon handed me the mic.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ji won asked ushering me to talk. I put the microphone up to my lips and breathed into it. "Hello, I'm Moon Taeil. Fourth year, Class 2" There was a big howl from the right side of the annex. Ten and Jeno were pumping their fists in the air, I tried not to glare at the two and nodded my head towards Dong woon trying to not make any eye contact with any of the guys towards my right. "Hi, Nice to meet you" Yuta spoke up he was next to Haechan, his voice was much more deeper than I had thought making my legs tremble. I looked over towards him and bowed my head. 

"So now that you are next to Nct127 how do you feel?" I looked towards Ten narrowing my eyes when he waved his hand at me and smirked. "A little nervous, I didn't except our school to be picked if I am being completely honest." Ji won held onto my shoulder which shockingly calmed my nerves. "I see I see, meeting idols can be a little nerve racking but we are all still people." "Of course I wouldn't think nothing less"

"Come on Hyung show your gay off!" Ten and Jaemin yelled at the same time making me blush. They definitely are going to cut that out, well I hope so at least I don't need the whole nation knowing I'm gay. From the far right side of the gym you could hear Johnny laugh deeply into his throat at the comment making mostly everyone in the annex break into a laughing fit. "So, Taeil do you have any talents that you would like to show off for Nct?" Dong woon asked making Johnny yell "yeah show us what you got!"

I looked at Ji won and nodded my head. "I can sing Doyoung-hyung's, part in Simon says" I said into the microphone still being a little shy. "Woah, the high note?" Haechan asked a little surprised. "Would you like to show us? Do you want to hear Taeil's high note?!" He asked me first and then the crowd of students in front of me making everyone howl.

Haechan started singing and dancing to his part that was right before Doyoung's part. I moved a bit in the front so I could dance moving my shoulders to the side like Doyoung had and continued the verse after Haechan. Smiling as I did the high note without any voice cracks. As soon as I was down all the students started flipping out one boy jumping on top of his friend in amazement. "Wow, that was so steady. Great job." Doyoung said putting his thumbs up at me. Haechan smiled and patted me on my shoulder. "That was even more better than Doyoung" I couldn't help it anymore I breathed out a puff of air and crackled at the younger boy's statement.

"Oh, He laughs!" Johnny yelled clapping his hands at me. "I think it is amazing that you were the one that applied to our show, Your voice is so wonderful." I blushed at him and thanked Johnny. "This isn't our first encounter today is it?" Ji won asked while I looked at him confused. "Earlier today we met you outside the bathroom with Johnny here. It was a close call but he had managed to get away without you finding out." My mouth shaped into an 'o' as I thought back. So it was Johnny that I saw.

"Well it was great talking to you, Taeil. Thank you for showing us your amazing talents." Dong woon said, "Thank you for having me here" I smiled giving the microphone back to Ji won-hyung and bowing to him. As I walked off the stage I bowed to all the group members. I sat back down on the floor next to Ten and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. 

Well my boring day has just gotten better.


So Taeil can sing... What a shocker right?

Hope you enjoyed <3

Hope you enjoyed <3

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