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Taeil's Pov

"Taeil-hyung, you ready to go?" Ten asked me as he neared my locker. "Yep let me just lock my locker" I replied closing my locker and turning the key to lock it then taking the key and putting it in my front pocket.

We started talking about random stuff on their way out of the door. I shook my head seeing my best friend being pined down onto the brick wall and making out with his boyfriend. "Definitely a top" Ten muttered under his breath. "My sister said she would pick us up today since her evening classes got canceled" I told the younger when we made it to the iron gates.

"I haven't seen Moonbyul in so long" Ten lent against one of the brick columns that were attached the the gates. "I know she's my sister and I barely see her" I chucked shifting my weight on either side of my legs as the two of us waited for Moonbyul. After a couple minutes a black Chevrolet Cruze pulled up in front of the school's gates, honking immediately erupting from the car soon after. I groaned at my sister, I adjusted my bag around my shoulder and me and the other shorty made our way to the black car. I got into the front while Ten hopped into the back, both of us closing their doors at the same time.

"Seat belts, boys" My sister's deep and raspy voice came from beside me. I had always wondered how her voice was so deep. But what could I say, my sister was unique and I loved her just the way she was. "Aye Aye, Captain!" Ten replied buckling his seat belt and saluting at my sister. She chuckled at him bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as she tried not to spit everywhere because of the laughter. "Sis, it's not that deep" Moonbyul rolled her eyes at me and started driving out of the school premises. "So where too, my favorite boys?" She asked not taking her eyes off the road. I shrugged turning to look at Ten. He shrugged back at me which my sister saw from the rear view mirror. She groaned dramatically and moves a piece of her dark brown hair out of her eye.

"I have to go pick up my girl friend anyway. Just figure it out before I pick her up. I don't want to hang out with you dweebs all day" I pouted slightly glaring holes into her skull when she called us dweebs. "What ever jocky" I turned my head to look out the window, and even if I couldn't see her face at that moment I knew she was mocking me.

Ten clapped excitedly from the back seat. "I haven't seen Wheein-noona in so long I miss her" "Hey how come you don't call me Noona?" Moonbyul sulked. The car had stopped and I hadn't even realized that we were already at Wheein's house. "When you start acting like a noona" Ten laughed throatily. I knew without even looking at my sister that she was glaring at me to get in the back seat, so with a loud sigh I unbulked my seat belt, opened the door of the car, got out and then got back into the car but now being in the back seat. "Good boy" My sister smiled, turning to look at the both of us. "I'll be right back don't mess with anything" She warned getting out the car leaving us.

"Siblings amirite" Ten joked, Ten had a younger brother named Kunpimook, BamBam for short but after his parents had split Ten came with his mom to Korea leaving his brother and his dad behind back in Thailand. He only got to see his brother a couple times every year. I really felt bad for Ten knowing that he missed his brother a lot. And every time BamBam comes to visit we always have a big party at Ten's house to celebrate the two.

I patted him on the back lightly. He flashed me his toothy smile and leaned his mop of a mess hair down onto my shoulder. "Wanna go to the mall? We could meet some cute guys" Ten nudged my side trying to edge me on. "Whatever I'm up for some court food anyway" He smiled at me victoriously and we high fived each other doing our little hand shack after. The passenger door opened showing a small girl with a blond bob cut smiling at us. "Hey Wheein-noona" I said happily. "Hey, Taeillie how you've been?" She asked me sitting down in the passenger seat. I shrugged a reply moving my attention back onto my phone, gasping as I got the notification I wasn't expecting but kinda was at the same time.

"Look Ten!" I shouted startling the younger male beside me and the shorter female in the front. I was going to ask where Moonbyul was but I was too excited to form any words. So I just turned my head and put my phone into Ten's face. "Look their definitely coming back. Mark is hiding his hair." I said showing him the selfie Mark had posted on twitter. "And you can see Haechan's shadow casting off the photo. His hair is probably all fluffy by the looks of it" I cooed thinking about Haechan's fluffy hair. Ten rolled his eyes at me and pushed my phone out of his face. " You scared me. I thought you got rejected or something" He said sounding agitated. I muttered an apology and went back scrolling through twitter. After a couple minutes Moonbyul still wasn't back and it was kinda pointless going to the mall now since it was almost 8:30. I groaned sliding down in my seat like a little kid.

"Where is she?" I groaned hitting my head against the back of my seat. "I'm right here don't get your panties in a twist" Moonbyul chuckled getting into the drivers seat. After everyone buckled in we left Wheein's home. Since Moonbyul had took so long Ten decided it was too late and he was too tired to walk around the mall, and since I didn't want to stay home and hear my sister and her girlfriend giggle all night we decided to go to Ten's house.

"Bye guys see you never!" My sister shouted when we got out the car. Wheein waved at us prompting her glasses back up on her nose and the black Chevrolet Cruze speed off down the street. Ten locked his door and we made our way towards his room, greeting Ms. Leechaiyapornkyul on our way passed her to his room. I plopped on his bed tiredly smushing my face into his soft pillows. "Stop your stinking up my pillows" Ten groaned pushing me making me almost fall off the queen sized bed. "You love my scent anyway" I winked pulling the his baby blue blankets over my head making myself comfortable.

"You are lucky your cute" Ten hissed making me chuckle into his fluffy pillows.


Not a long chapter srrs :>

Also since I'm like making up Nct's comeback in this book. I wanna give Mark white hair like Jeno had in we young era, and Haechan back red since I miss my fullsun. Any suggestions for the hair colors for the other members?

Oh except Jaehyun and Johnny I already have theres decided too.

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