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3rd POV

After their last call Taeil felt emotionally distraught. He didn't think his feelings for the latter would hurt him this hard. His friends didn't know why he was so down lately, finding him crying by himself a couple of times. Ten was worried the most, their talk that they had the other day coming into full view for himself and he suspected who caused his bestfriend to feel this way.

He kind of knew what was happening with Taeil. He saw how Taeil always lit up when his phone pinged. He would see how Taeil would giggle and laugh as he tapped away on his phone. And although Taeil thought he was sleeping that night, he heard Taeil come back to bed sniffling to himself and heard Moonbyul reassurance to the older. Ten felt angry that a person would do this to his bright sunshine. Taeil was the person that would make them feel better, laugh, and smile when they were in a foul mood. Ten wanted to find whoever took his best friend's love for granted and hurt them.

"Hey guys." Taeil waved at them tiredly, Moonbyul had dropped him off at school this morning and the group was waiting for him at the steel gates. "Hey, Taeil-hyung. Do you want my banana yogurt?" Jaemin said running up to the older and wrapping his arm around Taeil's waist. Taeil hiccuped sniffling sadly remembering how much Johnny had liked bananas. "I'm fine" he croaked patting the younger's head.

"Guys I'm fine. You all are actually creeping me out." Taeil giggled practically dragging Jaemin down the hall towards the cafeteria. Kun frowned and threw his arm over Taeil's shoulder. "Cheer up, hyung! Do you want to go to the arcade later? I'll pay." He smiled scratching the back of his neck with his other hand.

"Sure that could be fun." Taeil smiled and they sat down at their table.


"Oh,,, shit hyung!" Jeno whooped as Taeil danced his ass of against Kun in DDR. Kun was letting Taeil beat him but that was a secret for himself. Taeil smiled proudly as the machine announced, great's, perfects, and sometimes the occasional miss.

Kun sighed in defeat when he got off the machine with a frown. "Good job, hyung." He pouted, Taeil chuckled and smacked his shoulder, "like you actually had a chance." Taeil joked as they walked to the next game.

"I'm hungry" Jaemin pouted, trying to give his best puppy dog eyes at the elders in the group. "I'm really craving pizza" Hansol whispered nonchalantly, the rest of the group agreeing. "Fine I'll buy pizza." Kun huffed, Ten and Jaemin high fiving each other.

The six crowded into the booth at the pizza plaza already knowing what to order. And since Kun was paying Jaemin and Jeno had already agreed on splurging the older's money. After ordering their pizzas with a side of hot wings the group chatted amongst themselves. Taeil looked at all his friends smiling faces and smiled himself. They didn't even know what was making him be sad but they still band together to make him feel better. That all together made him want to cry.

Their wings and drinks were the first to arrive. "Thank you for the food, pumpkin." Taeil smirked sipping his lemonade, Kun smiled back at him "No problem, beanie."

After they finished their two pizzas and hot wings they split up since it was late out now and the two youngest still had a curfew. "I think I'm going to walk home today, the weather is lovely" Taeil faked smiled and looked up at the star filled sky. It was rare for there to be so many stars in the sky and his connection with the sky weighed him down. "Of course, do you want us to walk you home, hyung?" Ten questioned the older, Taeil reluctantly shook his head. "No I'm fine. You three make it home safe okay?" The three nodded their heads while they separated. Taeil going one way, Ten going towards a bus stop, and Hansol and Kun going towards Kun's house.

Taeil found himself at his local park beneath a tree while he looked up at the beautiful sparkling stars in the sky. "They look so close yet they are so far away from each other. I wonder if they get lonely like we do." He whispered to himself. He sat down at the tree stump and laid his head against the tree's bark. He hummed to himself, all of his stressful thoughts leaving his mind as the cold breeze blowed against him. He forgot about his exams that were coming up, he forgot about his notice to which college he was going to except, and most importantly he forgot about his broken heart and the man that caused it.

There was a honk of a car startling the boy laying against the tree. Taeil opened his eyes wide and saw Moonbyul's black Cruze in front of him on the street. Like always Wheein was in the passenger seat. She smiled at him and waved him over. So much for being alone, he smiled standing up from the roots and walked towards his sister's car. He was glad that he had people around him that made him feel better and that cared about him. Likewise him to them.

"How are you feeling, bud?" Moonbyul questioned after Taeil had put on his seatbelt. "Just dandy. How about you two?" He asked pressing his face against the window glass. Moonbyul looked at him through the rearview mirror. "Good, mom told me to come find you because,,, she said she got a call from the school and they need you to finalize your decision for college." Taeill huffed and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"I know, hold on. Hey siri?" He asked his phone speaking into his phone. "Pick a number 1 or 2?" Moonbyul rolled her eyes. "You're not going to decide what college you go to by asking that stupid question." Taeil shrugged his slumped shoulders and frowned.

"1" Siri had said back. Taeil put his phone back in his pocket and chuckled. Of course it would pick one. "Hanyang it is." He whispered to himself and laid his head back down. Wheein looked at him through the right driving mirror. She was worried for the younger boy, Moonbyul had came over to her house the other day and told her what had happened. She found Taeil outside on the patio, he was crying into his phone as he talked to someone. She didn't pick up the conversation however only hearing the last parts. "I'm sorry-" and "Me too" before Taeil hung up and started to sob harder. She hurriedly went to her brother to comfort him reassuring him and putting him back to bed.

"Hopefully everything's going to be alright." Wheein whispered to her girlfriend. Moonbyul hoped for that as well.


These chapter are literally making me cry and It doesnt help that I'm listening to day6 while writing them.

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