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Taeil's Pov

It was Wednesday and I haven't heard nothing about School attack picking a school yet. I know it's supposed to be a mystery and stuff but by the third Wednesday of the month. The same week that they shoot, they always notify the public that they had picked the school that would be appearing in the new episode that month.

They should of notified everyone by 2 o'clock but it was now six and no word. Me and Hansol were sitting in the class waiting through the obliged study session we had to do every other day. Hansol sat next to me scribbling doodles down on his text book while I was on my phone scrolling through SNS. I don't know why we even had to stay after school to study, no one even studied. Most of the time the teachers weren't in the classroom so we could do whatever we wanted. I heard Hansol drop his pen on his textbook and groan from beside me.

"You want to go to grade 11 class?" I asked him as he started to look around the classroom in boredom. He looked over at me and nodded his head. We both got up and grabbed our bags, like I said the teachers are never in the classroom. Most would leave anyway after the final bell, but since we are good students we would stay and let our lives rot away in the classroom. After Hansol finished packing up his things we went to the door and checked if no teachers were roaming the halls, and then we made our way downstairs to Ten and Kun's classroom.

When we got there and slid open the door we heard a shriek coming from Kun and a half a second later Hansol was on the ground with Kun on top of him peppering kisses all over his face. I chuckled at Hansol surprised face and made my way over towards Ten. "Howdy, partner" I said in a fake country accent and tipped my head like I had a cowboy hat on my head.

"Nothing much, partner" He replied acting like he was chewing tobacco. "You wanna hang out later?" I asked sitting on top of his desk. "You know I wouldn't miss the opportunity to hang out with my best bud" Ten wrapped his lanky ass arms around my waist and brought my chest to his face. I patted his hair while he mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What?" I asked and cupped my hand around ear. Ten chuckled lightly making me feel vibrations on my stomach. "I said! What if Loco comes? He just put out a song and like he could hit this." He said the last part smirking. I rolled my eye's at him. "I thought you liked that Bobby kid" He shrugged his shoulders. "That doesn't mean I can't look at all the other fishes." He whispered seductively. "Get away from me you hoe" I groaned pushing his head away from my chest. "You love me"I rolled my eyes and hopped of his desk and sat in Kun's seat, Since he wasn't in the class anymore. Probably left to go do some dirty stuff with Hansol. I shivered at the thought of it. And by the look on Ten's face he was thinking the same thing.

"So who do you think tops?" Ten genuinely asked. "Why are you asking me and not them?" I sighed about to take my air pods out and ignore him. "Just answer the damn question!" he yelled. I huffed in frustration. "Hansol no doubt about it" I answered honestly. Ten nodded his head agreeing with me. "Kun could definitely top you tho" Ten told me moving his head to the side to dodge my hand away from his face. "He could top you too" "Anyone could top me I'm fine with that" He licked his lips and I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "Stay away you hoe" I yelled crossing my two pointer fingers into a cross and pointing it towards him. He hissed moving away from the cross and we both started crackling.

"Mr. Moon, What are you doing in my classroom?" Ms. Fei asked pointing a finger towards me. I looked at her with my eyes bulging out the sockets. "Oh nothing, Ms. Fei. I had to drop off um.. This for Chittapon here" I smiled picking up a random paper on Kun's desk and handing it to Ten. "And where is Mr. Qian?" She glared at me. "How would I know that Ms. Fei. I'm not in your class" She hissed at me and pointed towards the door. "Bye ponie I'll see you later" He nodded and blew me a kiss. I quickened my step out of the room when I started seeing red in Ms. Fei's eyes.


Kun's Pov

"Hurry Hansol, I don't have a-all day" I moaned as he took me deeper into his mouth. My phone started ringing which startled the both of us. He pulled away with a popping sound which made me cum onto his face. Hansol groaned loudly taking a tissue out of the dispenser and wiping his face. "I told you to-" "It's not my fault you stopped" I hissed taking my phone out of my back pocket and answering it.

"Hello?" I answered

"Where the fuck are you? Ms. Fei just came in and is looking for you." I heard Ten's voice on the line. "I'm in the bathroom. I'll be there in a couple minutes" I hissed and hung up the phone. "I have to go baby, we can finish this later" Hansol smirked at me and pecked my cheek. "Don't get into too much trouble baby or I might have to punish you" He said making me shiver. "Yes, sir" I moaned, pulling up my uniform pants and making my way out of the bathroom.

I entered the classroom and seen Ms. Fei glaring at me. I tried not to roll my eyes at her, I had a good guy image to keep but sometimes it was too hard. "Where were you Mr. Qian?" She asked venom pouring out of her mouth at each syllable. "I was at the bathroom, Ms. Fei. Are we not allowed to use the bathroom anymore?" I question biting my lip to hid a smirk. Her top lip shuddered in anger. I winked at her and walked towards my seat and sat down. She didn't say nothing to me after that but I think I ruined it for the whole classroom since she stayed the rest of the time we had making some people glare at me.

"You wanna hang with me and Taeil-hyung after school?" Ten asked as we walked to my locker. "Nah I'm good I already have plans with Hansol" He smirked and turned around on his heals. "Tell Hansol not to get to ruff with you tonight we have dance class tomorrow" I blushed and hit him in the shoulder as he walked away from me. "Shut up!" I yelled at him embarrassingly. He chuckled and started to run down the hallway, probably to go find Taeil.


Y'all liking this story so far owo?

Also I forgot to mention that everyone outside of Nct127 will be like normal citizens if that makes since.

I have the mature setting on as a warning so don't be mean when y'all see some smut ight. I can't help it anyway it's in my hard stan soul okay.

 I can't help it anyway it's in my hard stan soul okay

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