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Johnny's Pov

I was concerned when I first had given my number to the cute boy from School Attack. Who the fuck was I? A E-boy looking for his next fuck all while maintaining his infamously? No, but if I could talk to the cutie it would make me very happy. You might even call me a anti-eboy.

It had been two weeks since the first time we texted and we were getting to know each other. He was so kind, and innocent it made my heart flutter at his shyness whenever I texted him first after a dance practice or another schedule. I had learned many things about Taeil like how he wanted a duck named Johnson but his mother told him not under her roof, or that his favorite color was yellow which I thought matched his sunshine personality a lot. Or even the time when he was in the second grade and fractured his ankle because he tried climbing a fence.

My feelings for him grew down a bit not as intense as it was when I first had saw him but I was still very much attracted to the younger male. 

We (nct) were on our second week of promotions of our new song 'Shout' and we had finally got a "day" off. I say that in air quotes because we still had to wake up early and go to practice. But after that it was fair game.

"Hey, Hyung?" Mark had tapped me on my shoulder making my focus turn from my phone to Mark. "Yeah, bro?" I asked in english and looked back at my phone waiting for Taeil to text me back. I felt like a teenage girl in high school waiting for their crush to text back even though it had only been two seconds.

"Hyuck and I were going to go to the movies. Do you want to come with us?" He asked a glint of hope in his eyes. I chuckled and ruffled his bangs "Sure, why not? We do have the rest of the day off" Mark looked at me happily and skipped off to go find the maknae. Gosh they were so cute.


Sorry jyani I have to go *^* 

my bestfriends are dragging me out the house against my will

pray for me :'(


I chuckled upon looking at the new text message. I had also grown to know Taeil's friends even if they didn't know me Taeil talked about them pretty much all the time. I was a little jealous that I could never do the things that they had done to him but shrugged it off. They were just his friends, Right?

"Hyung get ready!" Hyuck yelled at me from his room. I sighed contently and stood up from the living room couch and headed towards my shared room with Jungwoo to get ready.

After taking a shower and throwing on some decent clothes the maknae line dragged me out the dorms and we headed towards the theater.

"Can I get two student tickets for 'It Chapter 2'." Asked a kid in front of us. I wasn't really paying attention but the movie sparked my interest. When had that movie came out? "Oh~ We should watch that hyung!"I chuckled at the excited boy and nodded my head. "Okay" but then I found out what this had really meant.

These two brats really just brought me here to pay for their tickets and drinks didn't they? When it was our turn we moved up in line. I caught a familiar moppy brown hairstyle out of the booths reflection and gasped. Oh my fuck Taeil was here. Luckily I was wearing a throw away face mask today because of air today or I surely would have been recognized. 


"Ah sorry. Can I have 1 adult and 2 student tickets for 'IT Chapter 2" I said with my voice a pitch higher than it is originally, Mark nudged me in my hip but I ignored him. I was highkey panicking when I heard the sweet and smooth voice of Taeil arguing with his friend. I breathed in and out and paid for the tickets. I ushered the two maknaes inside and gave them money to get snacks and popcorn while I went to go find us a seat. I could only hope Taeil and his friends didn't choose IT but another movie to watch like Lion King or something. I wasn't ready to face him yet.

I sat down in one of the seats in the last row where no light had hit. Which was nice for me and the youngers since I could hide my face and the youngers could cuddle to their hearts content.

"Oh my fucking god is that Johnny from nct" I heard a whiny voice whisper and immediately looked over to who had mentioned my name. And of course it was one of Taeil's friends.

My eyes trailed over meeting Taeil's, he had blushed and looked away while I did the same but subtle. There were many whispers around the room but I ignored them leaning back into the cushion trying to hide my face.

"Dangit, hyung you already exposed us" Giggled Hyuck making me glare at him. 

Through out the whole movie I would "sneak" glances at Taeil who was sitting a couple of rows in font of us. He was so cute every time he got scared and clutched one of his friends arms. 'That should be me' I thought but shook the thought out of my head. I'd probably have to come watch this movie a second time because I had no clue what was going on.

I felt a vibration in my right pocket and took out my phone to see who it was. Maybe Taeyong or Manger Shin. But my eyes narrowed when I saw a text from Taeil, how did I not notice? I've been literally stalking him this whole time.


Stop looking at me and come meet me in the bathroom mr.famous -//-

I blushed looking at his text. He had caught me red handed, this was so embarrassing.

He had left first and I left a couple minutes after barking up an excuse to the cuddle buddies. I made my way into the mens bathroom to see the gorgeous man himself checking himself out in the mirror. Why was he so beautiful? I'm upset it legit makes me mad that one person can hold that much cuteness.

"Hey, Jyani didn't except to see you here" He giggled making me blush behind my mask. "Me neither" I twirled with my fingers nervously not knowing what to say.

We had a brief chat between the two of us before one of his friends came in and told Taeil that the movie was over and that they were leaving. Taeil glared at the other short boy and smiled at me. I'm whipped.

"Oh shit it's Johnny again" His friend said. "Can I take a picture I'm a really big fan" I chuckled and nodded my head scooting over to where he was standing. I took off my face mask and smiled at his phone as he took the picture. "Taeil baby were you in here chatting up with Mr. Sexy here?" His friend smirked after putting his phone in his pocket.

"No why would I be talking to Jya- I mean Johnny?" Taeil huffed cutely poofing out his cheeks. I really couldn't help but coo,my self control was flying out the window and waving good bye."Don't worry I'll hold down the fort" His friend winked at the both of us before leaving and I face palmed. Taeil was still pouting and gosh he looked so kissable. Before I had even knew it my feet brought me in front of the brown haired boy and I lent down to his height pecking his puckered lips. 

After a second of realization had hit me I backed away my eyes were wide and my mouth had hung open. Why had my self control leave me right now. Fuck. I looked up to Taeil and his small hands were covering his blushing face. "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me-" and before I knew if he was in front of me and we were making out in a dirty theater bathroom. This is not what I imagined our first kiss to be like.


Aye wassap shawtys 

I'm not even going to make up an excuse about why I havent updated since June. I've been lazy oop.

They are so cute I wanna die

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They are so cute I wanna die


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