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Taeil immediately turned back around and started for the exit. "Wait Taeil!" He heard the older man yell for him. But his eyes started to water and his feet started to quicken. "I'm sorry but I have to do something, nice seeing you guys bye." He rambled after opening the push open doors. He waved goodbye to his friends and left the restaurant.

After all these years of self depression and finally getting over the other male here he was back in his life. He immediately texted Sehun asking if the older male could come pick him up. Luckily he was around the corner and in front of him in a matter of minutes.

Taeil opened Sehun's rusty car door and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Did something happen, Taeil?" Sehun asked, worry laced in his voice.

"No I just really want to go home and cuddle." Sehun frowned at his boyfriend his hand landing on Taeil's lap. "Did you finally find out?" Sehun asked. Looking down at the younger in worry.

"Did you already know?" Taeil cried shoving the older's hand off of his.

"I was bound to find out, Taeil. A famous celebrity walking around campus asking for your boyfriend was a big enough clue as is." Sehun said calmly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Ugh, why is he even back. Why didn't you tell me?" Taeil sniffled and looked at Sehun with enough sadness to kill.

"I didn't know your connection with the dude but by the way you're acting it must be deep." Taeil groaned and glared at Sehun. "Why aren't we leaving yet I can practically feel his eyes on us." Taeil chuckled doing his best to not look back at the idol.

"More like he's glaring at me." Sehun chuckled and started up the car. "Look I know this is hard for you to deal with but I hope we can still be friends, Taeil." Taeil frowned and nodded his head. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah I know. Do you really want to go back to the dorm and cuddle with me or him?" Sehun chuckled and ruffled Taeil's head. "You." Taeil joked as he finally stopped crying.

"It's not nice to lie, Taeil. Go back in there and talk with him. I bet he has a lot to say."

"Why are you so nice about this? Shouldn't you be mad?" Taeil giggled unfastening his seatbelt. "We both knew what we had was different Taeil but I'm sure what you had with him was far more greater." Taeil rolled his eyes and pecked Sehun on the cheek. "Thank you for this, Sehun."

"No problem, buddy."


Taeil was sat down in a booth across from Johnny now. He nervously twiddled his thumbs and looked down at his thighs waiting for the older male to speak up. He looked to the side and saw Ten, Kun, Sehun, and Taeyong for some reason looking at the two of them like a hawk.

"So,,, how have you been?" Johnny asked the first one to speak up. Taeil looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I've been great, and you?" He asked back gulping down his nervousness.

"Great." Johnny cleared his throat and licked his dry lips.

"I've been looking for you for the past couple of days. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Johnny whispered the last part and took a sip of his water the waitress brought over a while ago.

"Yeah I heard." Taeil was back twiddling his thumbs. "Anyways, I wanted to tell you- um,, that I was sorry how we ended. And that I've never stopped thinking about you y'know. Maybe a little too much." He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. Taeil finally got a good look at him. He had dark brown hair now that was styled back in a bun, and damn did he look good in a bun. His green tee fitted his muscles so well and his eyes sparkled like the nights sky. After more silence Johnny spoke up again.

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