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3rd pov

Taeil and Sehun stumbled into the frat house trying to squeeze their bodies through the groups of people. Ten and Kun had already arrived and was waiting for them in the living area of the frat house, well that's what the text Ten sent Taeil said.

The musky smell of the overcrowded area made Taeil scrunch his nose. "Come on, Taeil" Sehun sighed grabbing Taeil by his shoulder and pulling him towards their meeting space. "Ha' baby is here~" Ten slurred standing up from the orangish couch and stumbling over to give Taeil a hug. Taeil blushed at the nickname and hugged the latter back. "How many drinks have you had?" Taeil whispered trying to sit the boy back down on his couch.

"I'm not drunk~" He whined shrugging Taeil's hand off of his shoulder. He leaned forward to get his red solo cup and took a sip of it. Taeil rolled his eyes ignoring the drunk boy. "Where's Kun?" Taeil questioned side eyeing Sehun who was itching his way towards the kitchen. Ten pointing to a corner of the room and snickered. Taeil looked over towards where Ten was looking at and chuckled himself. Kun was pinned against a bare white wall making out with his boyfriend, Hansol. When did Hansol even sneak out of his dorm and come to this party, Taeil had no clue.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this shit. I need a drink." He sighed grabbing Sehun's hand and pulling him towards the kitchen where most likely the booze was. Sehun chuckled when they finally made it there and Taeil went straight to grabbing a solo cup and poured himself a drink then chugged the drink down, his throat burning at the sensation. "Calm down, buddy" Sehun tsked taking his own solo cup and pouring himself a drink.

"We should play a game~" Ten slurred laying his head down on Taeil's shoulder. The five of them were huddled onto the shabby couch joking around and drinking till their hearts content. Kun agreed clapping his hands and wiggling his butt in Hansol's lap.

"Taeil~ truth or dare!" Taeil huffed, why truth or dare that's so cliche. "I never agreed to this." He sighed pushing the boy's head off his shoulder. "Are you scared?" Sehun laughed wiggling his eyebrows. Taeil groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, dare then." Ten giggled and took another sip of his alcohol and cola mix. "I dare you to kiss, Sehunie~"
Why me, Taeil thought and looked towards Sehun who was blushing besides him. And of course he was going to do the dare, because mama didn't raise no pussy. Taeil climbed himself in Sehun's lap and cupped the older boy's cheek. Sehun looked at him shockingly, his eye's bulging while looking at Taeil. Taeil smirked and leaned in pecking the older's lips.

"Oh shit he actually did it!" Kun yelled grabbing his boyfriend by his shoulder's and pushing and pulling them wildly. Unexpectedly however. Sehun held Taeil by his hips and pulled the younger closer to deepen the kiss. Taeil yelped in shock when Sehun sucked on his bottom lip. "Bro I did not expect that to happen." Hansol whispered to Ten who was smirking to himself.

"I fucking knew it dude." Ten quoted a Rosa and smirked then looked at Kun and Hansol who were looking amazed at the two roommate. "Alright game over!" Kun yelled breaking the two apart when Sehun started shoving his tongue into Taeil's mouth. They are definitely going to regret this in the morning.

Kun was right about the fact that the two regretting it in the morning. The two woke up snuggled in Sehun's bed with a major headache. The first thing Taeil had done that morning was scream. Why the fuck am I ontop of Sehun,,, and where the fuck are my clothes. Sehun groaned throwing a pillow over his head to cover his eyes from the sunlit room. "Argh" he groaned rubbing his temples.

"Why are you yelling?" Sehun hushed not taking his head from under the pillow. Taeil cupped his hand over his mouth and looked around for his phone. 2:47 pm. Shit what happened last night. He immediately got up from Sehun's bed and rummaged through his dresser for some clothes to wear. "Holy fuck- why am I naked!" Sehun yelled, Taeil winced and rubbed his temples. "Shut the fuck up." Taeil groaned finally finding a pair of boxers and slipping them on.

"Don't tell me we-" Sehun gasped sitting up on his bed and covering up his body. "I don't think so." Taeil whispered and threw on one of his large tee shirts. "I think we fell asleep before it happened." Taeil hoped, shrugging of Sehun's groans.

"Wanna go get breakfast?" Taeil asked after putting on a pair of jeans and socks. "I could use some coffee not going to lie."


"So are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Sehun asked gripping Taeil's hip and pulling the younger closer onto his lap. It's been a couple of days since their first escapade and they found themselves making out or hooking up more and more. Taeil was stressed because of his first couple of classes, and Sehun never turned down the pretty boy.

"Huh? Jungwoo isn't in my room?" Taeil quoted suddenly laughing at himself. "What?" Sehun questioned looking into the younger's eyes. "Nothing.. so what do you want to address?" Taeil asked kissing down the older's jaw. "Do you want to go out or something?" Sehun asked with a shrug and tilted his head to give Taeil more access.





Oh shithead pronounced (sha-th-ead) I keep quoting vines and tiktoks like someone needs to help me. ALMOST 1K IM WORKING ON IT AYYEE.

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