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3rd pov

Taeil huffed after putting the last box in his dorm room. Ten had came in after him rolling a rolled up rug into the dorm room with a pout. "I'm going to miss you, illie" Ten cried dramatically hugging the older male. Taeil rolled his eyes and pried the boy's hands off of him. "Ten we literally will see each other everyday." He chuckled patting the boy's head.

"It's not fair though! I want to share a dorm room with you! I heard my roommate has aids." He grimaced and looked at Taeil with pleading eyes. "I don't think that's true, phonie. Kun doesn't have aids." Ten groaned loudly and plopped himself down on Taeil's unmade mattress. "He could for all I know." Ten shrugged propping his feet up bbn on Taeil desk and scrolled through his phone.

"Okay, freshman"

"Don't okay freshman me. That's a insult!" Taeil rolled his eyes and smacked Ten's feet off of his desk. He was looking forward to his second year at Hanyang University, however it was his first year with Ten and Kun with him. Hansol had finally got his break and he was a trainee at some major entertainment, Taeil thought it was Jyp ent. But wasn't sure. He sneaks out of his dorm sometimes to see Kun, they are still cute as ever.

"Don't you have to set your dorm up too? Why are you still here?" Taeil asked annoyingly making Ten shrug. "Because I love you and and I miss you and and ahhhhh." Ten quoted making Taeil sigh.

"If you're going to quote vines then make it good." Taeil tsked sitting down beside the younger boy. "Who is your roommate anyway? I'm jealous of them and I don't even know who they are." Taeil thought for a moment, him and his newly assigned roommate had been chatting with each other to make sure they were cool with each other before they moved in together, hated each other's guts, and had to live with them for the next year. "Oh,,, he's a pretty chill dude. He likes partying a lot from what I've seen." The older mumbled looking at the other side of the room were a couple boxes lay.

"Oh- bet" Taeil rolled his eyes, he finally got up from his bare mattress and started to unpack his boxes. "Be helpful and unpack my shit then." Taeil huffed sticking his key into a box and slicing it open. "I'm good. Good luck though!" Ten cheered and was out the door. When had he even got his lazy ass up from the mattress was beyond Taeil.

After unpacking most of his things Taeil stretched his limbes and grabbed a few of his things to go take a shower. Unfortunately, this dorms showers were down the hallway and not connected to his room. Hopefully he never forgets his bath towel one day.

"Are you about to shower?" His roommate asked who had shown up earlier and was relaxing on his bed. "Yeah, I feel all sweaty." He grimaced and stalked out of the room. "Bring me some pretzels!" His roommate, Sehun yelled after him before he got the chance to close the door. "Get it yourself!" He yelled back through the crack in the door and closed it.


"Are you ready for your first class, freshy?" Sehun teased Ten, smirking at the boy glaring at him.

"Shut up you were a freshman last year."

"That doesn't mean we can't take advantage of the opportunity." Taeil said back sticking his tongue out at his best friend. Kun rolled his eyes at the three of them looking unfazed. "Anyways- there's going to be a party tomorrow night and I can bring y'all if ya want." Sehun slurred setting his phone down in his lap. Ten looked at Taeil with puppy dog eyes making Taeil roll his own eyes. "Why do I have to come?" Taeil questioned not liking the situation at all. "You need to get out, drink, party, hook up with someone. Gosh you're so boring." Ten mumbled sarcastically and hit Taeil on his thigh.

"Take your own advice you virgin." Taeil snickered and smacked the younger back. "Ugh, you always bring that up. But I never bring up your past crush on Johnny" Taeil bit his lip and sighed. He didn't try to basically unstan Nct with all of the drama that happened between him and Johnny, but when he heard that Johnny went on a hiatus for his mental health he couldn't help but blame himself. He also couldn't keep track with the group's music anymore since everytime Taeil had seen the older he felt as if his heart was crumbling.

"You just did, stupid." Taeil said trying to not sound fazed but the crack in his voice said otherwise.

"Yeah I could use a drink."


Short chapter but a bitch has a headache. Always listen to music while writing or your head will hurt kids ughhh.

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