I Didn't Mean It

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"She was clearly flirting with you Stiles and you led her on!'

Lydia and I just came home from a party, she stormed off and now were arguing over the fact why she did it.

"Lydia I wasn't even flirting with her."

"Stop lying to me Stiles, I saw it with my own eyes. You two were laughing and acting all lovey dovey."

Okay this fight was escalating fast. How could Lydia even accuse such things? I loved her since the third grade, why would I even think of cheating on her? The thing is she didn't even hear what we were talking about. That girl I was supposedly "flirting" with was Scott's cousin, who was married. We were talking about Lydia and I's relationship. I mostly told her about all the times I was acting clumsy around Lydia and how one time I tripped and fell on my face, because she had walked by. The thing is Lydia and I have been dating each other for 2 years and 11 months. You would think she would trust me.

"Lydia, what you saw was a mistake on the whole situation," I said getting fed up with the accusations.

"You know what was a mistake, was falling in love with you."

I was about to say something back, but her words hit me like a bullet. My eyes were starting to tear up and I started to take small steps back. I tired my best to show that her words didn't hurt me. She tried to reach out to me, but I backed away more.

"...Stiles I didn't mean it. Our relationship was not a mistake. You are not a mistake," she said realizing her words affected me. How could she say that? I balled my hands into a fist.

"You know what, your right. How could I ever think Lydia Martin could fall in love with me? Maybe I am just a mistake."

I turned around and headed for the door. I went outside and went towards my car. Thank goodness me and Lydia had separate cars.

"Stiles I didn't mean it, Stiles your not a mistake," she said with tears in her eyes. If the situation and argument was different I would have hugged her right there, telling her it's okay. But what I needed right now is to get away for a couple hours.

I got inside my car, locking the doors. Lydia was banging on the window, say things like what she said wasn't true. I got out the driveway and drove to the cemetery. Leaving Lydia to think what she has done.

Please tell me if you like the story in the comments. I am a big Stydia shipper. Long live Stydia.

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