Chapter(2) the what?

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"Alright we are here," he says suddenly I am really nervous when I see the people coming from the ambulance bay doors, like a swarm of hornets when you kick their nest. I should know I've done that, it's not fun. My heart rate goes up a little bit and the machine beeps at the sudden escalation.

"They're all good people kid, I promise. My brother works here, and I explained your situation to him, he's the blonde one, he will help you out a lot until your new guardian or whatever happens" he says. I nod and mouth a thank you because my throat is too sore to answer. Also, I'm nervous. He opens the ambulance doors. Then he wheels me out and I am rolled into the hospital.

They put me on an uncomfortable hospital bed and the stretcher that I came in is rolled out of the hospital room. Mark (the paramedic), stayed behind for a few minutes and talked to me about his brother who would be looking after me. After explaining that he is a good guy and then explaining why he is a good guy, he left. Leaving me with his brother whose name (I just learned) is Toby. He seemed like a cool guy.

Toby got me hooked up to a few machines like heart monitors and breathing things. "Hey, can you please lift up your shirt a little bit? I just wanna make sure that everything's okay" I lifted up my shirt to reveal all of my ribs and my sunken in the stomach that looks like a deflated balloon.

2 hours later

He finally finished picking the glass out of my stomach, ribs, legs and arms. I tried to help but he denied and said to watch the tv that was in front of my bed mounted to a wall. I have no clue what show it was playing. I don't really watch tv because you know, that abuse thing that I was talking about earlier? Yeah, I didn't get to watch tv. Then he wrapped my torso and my other arm with bandages so that the stitches and stuff that he put in won't tear.

"Well that was a lot of glass, anyways--"

He was cut off when someone walked through the hospital room's door. Toby looked just as surprised as me!

"Lewis? What are you doing here? I'm working! And with a patient-"

Poor Toby got cut off again.

"It's her. Look at her eyes, I ran some DNA tests on from what we found in the house to see if she had any more relatives, and it's her."
What the hell are these people talking about? It's her? What the fuck? Are they on crack or something? I really hope not because doctors on crack don't normally make good decisions.

"Okay Liza, listen here. I am apparently your brother. This is Lewis who just rudely interrupted me, and that paramedic guy who first brought you in. Remember him? Mark? Mark and I are your brothers. And apparently, we now have full custody of you because we are your last alive relatives. So yeah..."  Toby says. What the fuck? I've never met these people. I don't know them!  So how are they, my brothers?

"Listen, Liza, I know you have questions that we might not have all the answers to, but for now we have to keep working on the casts and making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. Would you be okay if Lewis stayed in here while we did your arm setting and stuff?" Toby asks I look at Lewis and then I nod my head.

"Alright your arm is broken so we have to cast that. Your ribs are okay, but I can see them so that's an issue. Your left leg response is a bit to slow which I don't like so stay off of it. Anyways here's what we are going to do. I am going to put your arm in a cast. Then we are going to weigh you and then you can go home. And while we are home you are to stay off your leg."

He says I nod and just do what I am told. I get up and the boys help me up to the weight scale thing which also takes my height and after a couple of minutes, the scale reads my weight. Toby looked like he could kill a person right now. He writes that down and then takes my height and Lewis immediately grabs me and carries me bridal style back to the bed.
I thank him.

"Hey, Lewis if you're not my brother then how do you know Toby and Mark?" I question him curiously.

"Mark and I are husbands. We got legally married a few years ago so that we could adopt Toby because Mark is older than Toby by a couple of years. Here I will write it down on paper that might explain it a bit better you look pretty confused" and he wrote it down and slid the paper towards me. I learn and remember things better if I see them in front of me.

So, 3-ish years ago, your brother Mark and I got married, because Toby was in an accident that killed their parents. Toby was seventeen and in two months he'd be eighteen but technically he was still seventeen, so he would've gone into foster care. Mark and I had been dating for three years before the accident and had talked about marriage but now that this accident happened, we knew that we had to adopt him. So we did. I and Mark will be your parents along with Toby now.

Lewis and Mark are married. Mark and Toby are brothers.

I read the note a couple of times and nodded.  "Thanks, it makes more sense written down," I say to him he nods.

"Me too. Now in about ten minutes Mark will be done his shift and will come in to say hello and to formally meet you and stuff okay? Also, Toby should be here with the casting supplies for your arm soon then we will go home okay?"

All I do is nod. I can't seem to keep everything straight at all I can't remember who's who! Okay, so Lewis the guy sitting beside my bed's boyfriend is Mark. Toby is my doctor who is going to get stuff to set my arm. Okay, I think I have it all straight now unlike most of the people in this room.

Then the door opens and in comes the dude who is supposed to have the stuff to cast my arm. I said supposed too for a reason, and that reason is, Toby came in empty-handed. He quickly comes over to me and says  "okay kiddo, so I'm very sorry but some of the idiotic interns, trying to help, mixed up the X-rays and you don't have a broken arm, it just needs a little rest like the rest of your body does okay?" I nod my head.

Then he leaves and the paramedic guy Mark comes in and kisses Lewis, he turns to me and waves at me. "Hey kiddo, alright so I brought you some clothes to change into and then we are going home okay?" He asks I nod and take the clothes, it's a pair of Roots black jogging pants, a blue t-shirt and a black hoodie with a zipper in the front that if you zip the zipper it says Roots.

I stand up trying not to fall over on to my face (due to how dizzy I am) because that would be hella embarrassing. I half walk half limp, over to the bathroom and change quickly. Trying not to look at the cuts on my thighs and wrists.

I come back out of the bathroom and nod my head as if to say 'okay let's go I'm as ready as I ever will be.' Lewis then pipes up and says, "Mark, I think you should probably carry her out." He says I shake my head in protest, but Lewis comes over crouching in front of me because he's a 6'2 giant.

"You looked as if you were ready to face plant into the floor when you got up. Just be happy I let you walk that far. Besides doc said that your left leg needs to be rested." I huff, knowing I'm not getting out of this one, so I hold my arms out for Mark to pick me up. He crouched down after Lewis moves and stands back up. I hop on to Mark's back and he takes me down the hall and out of the hospital. I don't know whether or not people were looking because I kept my head down and sitting on Mark's shoulder. I hear the door open to his car and Mark sets me down into the backseat. Lewis is already in the driver's seat, so Mark gets into the passenger side.

Lewis turns on the radio and Solider by James TW (song up top) starts to play. We all start to sing along with the words, sounding okay but definitely not anything to brag about. But we had fun, so it was worth it entirely.

By the time the song ends we are laughing and smiling. Then I look at the time on the radio clock. 5:45 oh shit. I missed the entire school day.

"Oh yeah, Liza you are going to stay home tomorrow from school because we need to make sure that you are staying off of your leg. Okay?" I nod in response to Lewis's question.

Soon after he asked me that we arrived at their home. It was big and somewhat intimidating. It looked like something out of the movies, everything was pristine and perfect no weed or blade of grass out of place. So it's either these people have a lot of people to help them garden and cut their grass perfectly or they spend multiple hours every day trying to fix up their garden and making sure it's perfect. These people must be insane entirely. But it was super pretty! Mark came around to my car door and opened it for me, and then I was put on to his shoulders. Then we entered the house.

1,728 words

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