Chapter(18) Kid?

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Recap: Liza's POV
I know I'm not going to sleep tonight so I go on my phone because my phone is better than staring at the ceiling listening to the thoughts that still roam my head but are (for now) much quieter than what they sometimes are.
                                                 CURRENTLY:  TOBY'S POV

Yesterday was the best day of my life, I got married!! Then right before I walked down that beautifully made, decorated and set up aisle I got a call from a orphanage company that me and James had been talking to earlier in the week. James and I have our fostering licence, first-aid, and an up to date babysitting course which are things that make us look great on paper, so we have an even higher chance of being accepted if he decides to adopt.

Which we have, we want a girl hopefully. Between the ages of 11 to 18 years old because normally older kids don't get adopted just because the older. People say that they'll have more problems which is understandable. So we got a call and they said that we could go see the kids whenever we were ready, and I feel ready today!! So I roll over in bed and whisper into my husbands' ear for him to wake up so we can go and maybe start the process of adopting a tiny human!!

Eventually he gets his butt out of bed and starts to get dressed. I jump out of bed already dressed for the day and run downstairs where Lew has already started to make breakfast, and some is already sitting on the table. James and I have decided that the girl (or whatever gender the kid decides to be) can have the guest bedroom beside James and I's room. She (or whatever gender) can decorate it however this kid wants when we adopt her. I am over the moon about all of this and so is James.

I try to sit down and eat something, but I'm to excited and anxious to eat. Or think about anything other than this kid that we want so badly. But what if the kid doesn't like us? Or what if-   

"Honey, calm down, are you okay? The kid's going to love you, now calm down deep breaths hon" James says him hugging me tight from behind me, I didn't even notice that he had entered the room, I must've really spaced out. Then I'm picked up from my chair and taken upstairs.

"Hon deep breaths with me now," I do as he says this time because I know if I don't, he'll get the puffer out which basically shoots medicine from this tiny container into my mouth and it forces me to calm down. Its called an inhaler, and I hate it because it takes your breath away for a few seconds as well. I may be a doctor, but I hate them. I only brought them home because one of the other doctors who knew about my anxiety, forced me to take them home.

"Okay that's better honey, now do we need to talk about anything before we go back downstairs or do we need to talk about it later? What caused your almost panic attack?" James asks me to pull me on to his lap and holding me like a baby because he can and that's the way I like to be held.

"What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I'm a bad parent like my parents were? What if I mess her up? What I-" I say until my husband (still love to say that) cuts me off mid-freak out session.

"You'll be awesome at this! What your parents did to you... that was despicable sweetie. You're not your parents! She'll be mad at us sometimes because we grounded her or something normal families have problems with, but we'll be okay. She'll love us and we'll love her. So stop freaking out and come downstairs with me so we can leave to go find our kid okay?"  I nod and he kisses me before we go downstairs saying good morning to everyone formally before leaving (without breakfast because we didn't have time to eat) and heading out to meet some kids who need the love that we can give to them.

Sam's POV

I wake up to the lady who runs this place clanging pots and pans together at the bottom of the stairs. It's her way to wake us up without having to go upstairs. It works.  Hello, my name is Sam it used to be another name, but I call myself Sam because it fits me better than my previous name which happens to be Sophie. Which is a lovely name but it's not a good name for me. But all my papers still say 'Sophie' on them.

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