Chapter (11) Recovery

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Song: Recovery
By: James Arthur
I texted to Mark he simply sends a thumbs up and a sad face. Then I put my phone into my back pocket and go to sleep. With my lovely boyfriend beside me.
Currently happening:
James POV

I wake up to the sound of crying and I snap my eyes open to see Toby trying his best to quietly sob. "Toby what's wrong sweetheart?" I ask him, thinking the worst. What if he relapsed again because I wasn't awake when he was and wasn't there to stop him?

I pull him in closer to my chest and hold him close, "sweetheart calm down, talk to me." I say to him pulling him on to my lap.

"I relapsed last night... I was too tired to realize it, but I did...oh god!" He says as he cries into my stomach. I rub his back to give him some comfort as he cries.

"It'll be okay hon. We got through this once we'll do it again okay?" I tell him. He nods his head and after some sniffling and a couple hiccups he's better. I pick him up and carry him over to the bathroom, I put him down on the bathroom's countertops and give him a cold face cloth then a warmer one.

The cold washcloth gets rid of red eyes that people get after crying, and then the warm one is, so he doesn't freeze, "oh shit! I have work today!" He says throwing the wash clothes into the hamper and attempting to get down off the countertop. I pick him back up and sit him back down.

"Sweetheart have I ever left you alone after a mental breakdown?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"Never." He says not even having to think about it.

"Exactly. Well I'm not about to start now. So I had Mark call the hospital last night, so they had a few hours in advance to find someone because I know that you hate leaving people on short notice. They were called and the spot for you was filled. Now let me see your arms then we can go downstairs and have a nice breakfast okay?" I tell him.

He nods his head and holds out his wrists. Sighing in defeat. I look at him and he huffs but turns away from his cuts. I don't want him to see them, I don't want him to trigger himself on accident and we have a repeat of last night. We had a very rough night last night. Liza freaked out and so did Toby.

I wonder how this breakfast will go.

I unwrap Toby's arms to see the cuts and then crouch down to get out some hydrogen peroxide and new wraps from under the sink that I had put Toby on. When I stand back up, I see that Toby is gently touching the cuts on his wrists.

I immediately put the stuff down and gently take his chin and turn it away. But his arms keep picking at the trying to scab over arms. I take one of his hands, flicking the other hand away from the one I'm trying to gently clean and then wrap it again. I do the same with the other hand, and after putting the cleaning supplies away I gently take Toby's hand and lead him to our room.

I pull on a long sleeve's shirt over top of him and then we go downstairs to breakfast.

Liza isn't there so I'm assuming that she's not up yet and the only person in the kitchen is Mark. I hear Toby gently whimper in hesitation because his brother is very overprotective of Toby and is basically a lie detector. Even if I didn't tell Mark that Toby had relapsed, he still would've figured it out. I squeeze his hand and kiss his cheek then basically drag him into the kitchen where Mark is making breakfast.

He looks up and sees me and Toby and he immediately comes right over. He hugs Toby, and after a couple seconds pulling away, but leaving his hands-on Toby's shoulders and says, "hey tiny, are you okay?" He asks Toby nods, but Mark sees right through that and hugs him again.

"I heard that he relapsed. Is it bad?" Mark turns to me and asks.

"Could be worse, there's seven cuts per arm and the closer he gets up to his elbow the deeper they are." I tell Mark giving him a brief description. Toby looks embarrassed as hell so I kiss him on the cheek and pull him into my chest so he can listen to my heartbeat instead of our conversation.

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