Chapter (17) A Wedding.

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Liz's Bridesmaid dress up top
One-week time skip bc I'm impatient

Liza's POV:
Today is the day of the wedding, this week has been full of stress about the wedding. They decided to keep it small and no family was coming on Jame's side. Apparently, he was kicked out when he was younger and doesn't like to talk about it.

I'm flower girl, Toby and James are the people getting married, Lew is best man for James and Mark is best man for Toby. The wedding isn't in a church either because most churches think that we're sinners or that we needed to be executed etc. So they decided that it might not be the bet idea to hold the wedding in a homophobic scene considering that this is a gay wedding.

They're having their wedding in the forest park at noon today, tucked away behind a few rows of trees so that we don't disturb anyone else's day. I wake up from a night terror (those are only getting worse) and look over at the clock that sets on my bedside table and I jump out of bed, excited for today. I have two hours before anyone else gets up, that's enough time to iron their suits and get ready to be the flower girl. The boys' suits are all wonderfully tailored, expensive people yes but people that are good at their job.

James suit is a dark blue, black dress shoes, a white button up shirt that's under the overcoat and tie. The tie is a deep purple that compliments this eye.

Toby's suit is a deep purple overcoat and pants, black dress shoes, white button up shirt and the tie are a dark blue. Just like James.

Mark and James are wearing identical suits to one another. The traditional black overcoat and pants with a white button up, black dress shoes that are perfectly shined and a black tie. My dress is light blue, and the top of the dress is full of jewels and is very sparkly.

I iron the boy's tuxedos again and start to make breakfast. I cut up lots of different fruits, (grapes, apples, watermelon, strawberries and blueberries) finish cooking everything, pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon, muffins, the whole nine yards. I'm good at cooking breakfast, there's only a couple things that I can make but breakfast I do very well.

I head upstairs and get my dress on, braid my hair in a fishtail braid, paint my nails sparkly silver and get on my silver heels. I should break them in now and start to get used to wearing them.

By now it's seven in the morning and the boys must've smelled my breakfast that was being kept warm in the oven and the berries and fruit were in the fridge being kept cool. They all come piling down the stairs, mark still on crutches so he was at the back of the aggressive brawl to get down the stairs, but he wasn't to far behind everyone else.

Mark and Lew are going to walk Toby and James down the aisle because they're parents aren't here for whatever reason that they have.

I set the food down on the table as they take their seats and they all look really excited for food. I know Toby was still slightly worried about my leg since I just got the boot off yesterday and with the high-heels thing, but I'll be okay and if I'm not then I wouldn't tell him anyways right now.

He doesn't need me on his plate of anxiety right now, Mark seems to have proved himself worthy of being a total pain in the ass. Every time Toby wants to check out how Marks leg is healing, it becomes a game of 'hey where the hell is Mark?' it's really fun because Mark is very good at it. Until you bring out the Pop-tarts, it gets him every time.

I sit down with everyone and starts to eat, "okay so I ironed everyone's clothing for the day and I'm ready to help whoever needs it with anything" I say to the boys who all either nod at me or give me a thumbs up, stuffing their faces full of food but Lew gives me a look that says 'I'll be asking questions about this whole thing later.' He's probably going to ask me about how I got this all done and what time did I go to bed and about how much sleep I'm getting per night and stuff.

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