Chapter(23) Hazard of the Job

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The moment that I sat her down on the bed Toby got into bed with her and Sam, missing the comfort and warmth of me, she cuddled with Toby. I turned off the lights around the house and locked the front door before returning to bed with Sam and my sleeping beauty.

I wake up to me hugging Toby with James no where's to be seen. I wiggle out of Toby's hold on me successfully without waking him up before sliding out of the bed and going to the bathroom then heading downstairs while I ran a brush through my hair.

Once I get downstairs, I see James and Lewis cooking breakfast, well Lewis is cooking while trying to teach James how to cook eggs. Once I sit down on my spot on the counter James finally realizes that I'm awake and hugs me.

"Good morning boo!" He says using his new nickname for me that he must've just came up with.

"Good morning Jamie." I say using his new nickname that I came up with a little while ago. I'm still tired from last night but I slept pretty well. I had a nightmare yeah, but that's normal. This one I didn't wake up during though, so I relived some of it while I slept.

I hate remembering things. It's hard. James seems to notice that I'm still tired and comes back over hugs me and pulls me off of the counters.

My head rests on his shoulder, with my legs lazily hanging off of his hips. He carries me into the living room and there's no one in there, and he lays me down on the couch. He pulls up a blanket so it's right under my chin with a throw pillow under my head.

"Sleep kiddo, I'm going to be right here when you wake up." He tells me and sits down on the arm of the couch. I sigh and he runs his fingers through my hair, sleep then catches me and pulls me back under into unconsciousness.

Abuse!!! you can skip this part if you want. I'll tell you when it's safe.
I tiptoe back down the stairs into the basement that was now my room. Trying not to wake up the two drunken morons on the couch. I had just made breakfast and didn't want to get beaten so early in the morning. Plus I had school to get ready for and then beating me would set me back. I can't be late to school, it'll raise suspicions.

Before I can even get half-way down the stairs my worst fear comes true. A hand on my shoulder pulls me back up the stairs, half dragging me up them. I don't bother to scream, fight or kick anymore. That'll just make everything a hell of a lot worse.

When the creepy old dude that's supposed to be my foster father, finishes pulling me back up the stairs and into the living room where I had sat their food down, he slaps me.

"There's no beer here bitch! What the hell am I supposed to drink during breakfast?! Huh? Answer me! You mute bitch!!" He screams in my face. He side swipes my feet and then proceeds to kick me in the ribs while his wife just sits back and watches me.

He kicks me until I pass out in a pool of my own red blood. I wish for death, happy birthday to me.
Flashback over! ITS SAFE!!

I wake up shooting upwards and panting slightly. That was my 10th birthday. That couple was actually one of the more generous ones. They fed me on a somewhat regular basis.

"Hey kid, here drink some water... breathe it's okay. Your safe." I listen to him and breathe in and out slowly. Then I take the water from his hands and drink it mumbling a, "thank you." To him, he must've heard me too because he just smiles and nods.

He takes a seat on the living room table where normally people would put their coffees or empty plates after eating. "Okay kid, I'm going to go help Lewis with the eggs because that's the only thing that I can cook, and Mark, Liza and Toby are going to come in and watch tv with you okay?" He asks me, I nod, and he smiles before getting up, ruffling my hair and leaving the room to go to the kitchen.

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