Chapter(16) Engaged and accidents

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Song: Brother
By: Kodaline

Rings 💍 up top not my pic
We all pile into the car hurriedly and rush off to get chicken nuggets, pops, waters, burgers and fries, I hope Mark gets jealous! He should be home soon after we get home, just enough time to put away groceries for other people to do adult chores while Liza and I get to watch tv!

Liza's POV:
We got home from McDonalds and while everyone else puts the groceries away, me and Toby watch tv. We curl up in a soft blanket while everyone else does their thing before Mark gets home and we all sit down and have a conversation. All of a sudden while me and Toby are watching tv and the commercials start to come on, toby pauses the tv show and I turn to look at him.

"What's up?" I ask him, normally when he pauses the tv somethings up that he wants to talk about and believe it or not me and him are pretty close now a days. He tells me when he's down and vice versa. I love Toby a lot, we have a lot in common and most of the time he's more a brother than what he is an adult in my life. The thing with the croissant was really funny.

"Me and Mark are getting married kiddo!! We are engaged and hoping to get married next week. Then we're moving out, me and James have made the decision that we are staying here after we get married as long as its okay with Lew and Mark. We want to start a family, and when you were brought home it made me, and James want to help another child get a home as well. Now is the perfect time too!! If we adopt a kid around your age then you'd have a niece and a person around your age that understands you maybe a little better than we do and vice versa," Toby says. I hug him tightly around the chest and say.

"I'm happy for you Tob!! Congrats Toby!!" I say to him truly happy for him and James, any kiddo would be lucky to have them as parents. I know I'm happy with them as my brothers and or parents, "can I see the ring?" I ask him leaning up against his chest because it's comfy and he's the closet thing that I have to a pillow right now.

"Sure," he says whipping out his phone and showing me a beautiful picture of a silver ring that's one huge infinity symbol. "It's beautiful Toby! Are you excited for the wedding? Anything I can do to help?" I ask him to try to be helpful.

"Thanks kid, and no there's nothing you can do to help for now. Well me and James do need a flower girl... so if you wouldn't mind helping us out by putting on a dress and throwing some dismembered pieces of flower on to the floor that'd be great... and I already asked James he wants you to throw dismembered flower petals down the wedding aisle as well" he says low-key asking me to be flower girl at his wedding.

"Hell yeah!!" I say jumping up from his lap and jumping on the couch. James pokes a head into the living room and by seeing me jumping up and down on the couch and Toby smiling he immediately understands what's going on and chuckles his deep laugh and returns to the kitchen doing whatever the hell he was doing before hand.

Toby tackles my stomach and we both go tumbling down on to the couch. He laughs and we return to watching the show, then someone comes through the door and I know that it's Mark because everyone else is inside the house.

I run to the front door, (which none of the boys looked happy about) to hug Mark but when I look at him, he's covered from top to bottom in what I hope is ketchup but I know that it's not. He opens his mouth and says, "hey kiddo, get off that leg Toby looks like he's going to freak out completely if you don't get off it. Now I'm going to go upstairs, take a shower and then we can have dinner and a movie or something' okay?" He asks me to sound concerned. By now all the other boys are here as well and they look concerned for me and him.

I think that Mark and Toby are probably the most worried because Mark pulled me out of a house that my parents had just shot each other in and Toby because he was my doctor right after my 'parents' died.

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