Chapter(24) The Late Shift

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Recap: Toby's POV

"You haven't even had breakfast." He tells me I shoot him a smile and hold his hand gently kissing it and then say, "hazard of the job hon there's a car crash and I have to go in love you!" I said before letting go of his hand and getting in the car and driving off.


I get to work and it's insane. There's, people laying on gurneys in the hallway because there's no more beds available for them to sleep in and there's people everywhere's it's chaos.

I see my friend whose, a nurse manager and say, "hello" she says hello back while she pulls me into a patient room that was crashing and immediately start to call out orders to everyone in that room.

We get a crash cart in and shock him four times but nothing happens. So we do CPR and try to get him breathing again but we can't, so the nurse manager in the room yells out the time of death as she writes it down in his chart.

The sheet is then pulled over his head and I hear screaming down the hall, so I follow the screaming. It's a man who very clearly is intoxicated and so high he doesn't know what planet he's on. Four nurses are trying to restrain him but are just getting injured themselves.

Before I know it, I jump forward and get in front of one of the nurses and grab his hand before he can hit the nurse. Which annoyed him apparently because his other hand suddenly slaps me in the face and then punches me and I feel the blood coming out of my face.

Once I restrain one hand, he gets more agitated and slaps me again but then I finish restraining his hand with the help of a nurse. Now that his hands are restrained, we have to get his legs. So me and one other nurse do that, and the three others leave.

He gets a good kick on me to my stomach which is going to leave bruises, and then he kicks me so hard that I go flying across the room and with a thud and I land on the floor. But I spring right back up and hold his leg down with the other poor nurse.

We get both of his legs restrained and give him some knock out pills and medicine to pump his stomach through an IV.

When it's all over and the once violent man has passed out because the knock-out medicine finally started to seep in, I ask the nurse if he's okay. "Hey, are you okay? That was rough" I say smiling at him. He gives a nod and a smile, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes.

I read his name tag and it says that he's an intern. New to all this craziness. This must've freaked him out pretty damn well.

"Hey now, just because I'm technically your boss doesn't mean that you should lie to me. Go to the break room and take a couple minutes no one will blame you kid over what you just went through" I tell him patting his shoulder on my way out of the room. Then I go back to doing the normal doctor stuff. But man my ribs really hurt.

James POV:

After Toby abruptly leaves I go back into the house to see Lewis and Mark grabbing their coats and when I gently grab Lewis arm he says, "we're okay we'll be back in a few hours me and Mark just need a few hours away from all of everything, we're going to the park to have a couples day okay?" He asks me I nod, and they leave.

Suddenly I'm stuck with two teenagers and decide to do some fun ass stuff with them, forts, nails getting done, to all the boys I've loved before the movie, and whatever else we want to do.

"Okay!! Breakfast I'm thinking pop-tarts and ice-cream since the parents aren't home okay?" I say squealing they both nod and jump up from their spots on the couch to help me grab the stuff. Sam grabs the toaster; I get the pop-tarts and Liza grabs the birthday cake ice-cream.

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